Chapter 12: Training

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I have decided that after this chapter that we will have about 1 or 2 more chapters left 'till this first book is over. I will upload maybe the first 2-3 chapters of the second book in about a month or 2.

Juvia's POV:

It was about 6:00 am until I hear a banging in my ear. I groan not wanting to get up.

"Rise and shine!" Erza yells.

"Five more minutes!" I groan covering my face with a pillow.

"Not in a million years. Get up and we're gonna start training." Erza ordered me.

I finally get up and see what clothes I have. I tried not to bring very fancy clothes. But that's all I have basically.

I grab a dress with a slit on both sides that show my fairy tail mark. I put on tall boots with a Russian type hat.

I walk outside and to look for Erza. It's scary if you don't know where she is.

I felt a presence behind me. I hear them slowly step closer to me. I am scared....frozen.

I felt their hand slowly touch my shoulder but before they can do that. My arm turns to water and I slap the person with water knocking them down.

"Erza!! Juvia is so sorry!!!" I run over to help Erza up.

"It's fine you did great." Erza reassures me.

I felt a sigh of relief. I thought she was gonna murder me like the way she does to Natsu...or.....Gray-sama. It's been a while since I thought about him. Even though this mission is ABOUT him.

I can feel tears starting to roll down my cheeks slowly....then more and more spew out.

"I'm sorry I made you do that." Erza puts her hand on my shoulder.

"I-It's not's him. Juvia is sorry for crying during our training time." I sniffle.

"We all miss him. Don't worry. We're a family and family always save each other." Erza smiles.

I give a weak smile back. Come on Juvia you can do this...

We train until the sun sets. My body is very sore. I can feel myself getting stronger. Erza is a really good trainer, I never doubted her anyways.

I wonder how Gajeel and Levy did on their first day....

Erza and I walked back to the guild to relax. As we walk in, I see Gajeel is fine it looked like he never trained. Levy on the other hand.....she isn't looking to well....

"Are you ok Levy?" I say walking up to Levy.

"" Levy says half awake.

"Juvia will take you back to your room." I grab Levy and drag her out of the guild to her room.

"Th....thanks..." Levy huffing every last word out.

"Don't worry, Juvia is exhausted too. Juvia is too tired to go back to Juvia's place. Juvia might just pass out here." I say plopping myself into the bed next to Levy.

She is already out like a light. I slowly close my eyes too and go to sleep.

~The next morning~

The bright light hits my eyes as I slowly wake up. I sit up realizing I'm in Levys and Gajeels room. Levy seems to be gone.

I get out of bed smelling really bad.
Gross....I take my clothes off and step into the warm shower.

Cleaning I turn the water cold. Gray-sama. The cold water reminds me of Gray-sama. I shake the though off and step out of the shower.

Wrapping the towel around me I hear footsteps. I stand frozen. Who is it?

"I know your in here." A voice calls out. A familiar voice at that.

I find some loose clothes in the bathroom and throw them on me. I run out and I see him.


I run into his arms. "Juvia missed you."
I whispered digging into Gray-samas chest.

"Juvia?" The voice says.

I look up to see it's....Natsu?!!?

"I...uh..." I slowly fall to the floor.

((Yes I am doing something like that one chapter in the manga....sorry I just had too.))

"J-Juvia?!?!" Natsu yells but to me it's faint. Distant like, a million miles away from me.

~Time Passes~

I wake up to facing the ceiling. I don't remember anything after falling. I turn my head to the right and then the left.

I sit up to know that I am not where I was this morning. I look down and see that I am wearing some nightgown.

It's late at night, maybe close to midnight. I get out of bed and I throw on some clothes next to me.

As I finish I see a glowing yellow orb. It's floating and it pokes me. "What is this?" I whisper.

It moves fast and I chase after the orb. Out the barn it seems it takes me to the woods.

Deeper and deeper I go into the woods. The orb suddenly stops at this granite platform and disappears. I look around.

"Does this thing have a purpose?" I say to myself examining the platform. Nothing different for any other platform I've ever seen.

"I've seen you found it." A voice says behind me. A high pitched voice for a young girl I think.

I turn around to see a girl. Long bright blonde hair. Wearing a blue and pink dress. She seems familiar, like I've seen her in a book I've read before.

"Who are you? And are you here to hurt Juvia?" I ask the girl.

"Of course not! Oh I forgot to introduce
Myself. I'm Mavis Vermillion the first master of Fairy Tail." Mavis smiles.

"Your the first master!?!? Juvia is honored." I curtsy to Mavis.

"No need to curtsy. I'm here to help you. I heard that Gray has been kidnapped." Mavis says.

"Oh...ya...he did...and how are you going to help Juvia?" I ask Mavis.

"Training of course! You remind me of well, me! Love is tough." Mavis shakes her head.

"You were in love once?" I said shocked. Especially for her age too.

"Oh it's nothing lets get you stronger!!" Mavis denied.

I shrug it off following Mavises instructions on training. Slowly I can feel myself get stronger.

Everything around me. All my worries, gone. The only thing on my mind is getting stronger to save Gray-sama.


Wow a month. Whoops....

Also it's my birthday month!!! November 25th!!!

Also I'm making a Jack Frost cosplay!!!!

Have a great day wherever you are!

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