Lumiere's side
I was staring at the deep darkness on the ceiling, it never changed, no matter how hard I concentrate I couldn't see anything. The cell was round, much, it was built in stone, the smooth wall didn't show any imperfections, the ceiling rose fifty meters high and who knows why but there was an incredible amount of humidity. The air was old, and the damp walls always made my clothes stick closely to my skin. Nothing lived here, not even spiders, I am all alone.
The visit from Lily a few hours ago made me consider the way to escape from here quickly. I've been replaying in my mind the steps to escape this prison. All will begin when The Chief comes again in the night. I have to knock her out, take from her a master key and reach the lowest room of the Tunnel, there should be some kind of door or something there that after doing the proper spell will open a path for me to the other side.
Lily left a few hours ago, and now that she's gone I'm missing her and regretting that our relationship ended like that, it's a necessary evil to reach my goal. As I replayed in my mind the plan I couldn't shake the feeling that if Lily knew that I was planning on beating her Grandma (I wasn't sure how to do it yet) she would most certainly chase me down and make me pay for it. That thought alone sent shivers down my spine, being that the same reason why I was so nervous.
"Come on, come on, come on..."
I couldn't help but keep walking around the room feeling all stressed, that when the door started to crack under it's weight I couldn't help but dash at the door and tackle the figure.
" Ughh!" an unpleasant sound.
I pinned down the damn old hag (Actually I was the bastard, but never mind) as she tried to punch me I grabbed her hands and got ready to slap her into oblivion when I saw the face of my victim. Two larg,e brown-dark eyes were glaring at me, whoever saw me now would, without much mistake, think that I was attacking a poor little girl. I almost immediately froze and lost my capacity to process information. This girl i just attacked happens to be the best friend of Lily, Alice. The special trait of this girl is that she's a born fighter and the main reason why Lily got into so much trouble given the endless pool of curiosity this girl possessed as well. As I was idly thinking , she started to speak.
"So, now that my Miss is away you think you can jump on the first girl you see?"
When I heard her talking so appeased I broke out in a cold sweat, and started to get anxious.
"Now you'll see!"
As she screamed, she raised her hips, throwing me off balance, and headbutted me, as I Ioosen my grip she freed her hands and grabbed my left wrist, pulled it inwards, pushed me down the floor pushing me face down and finishing with her elbow on my neck, crushing my skull and sending a lot of pain to my brain.
"Now you'll see you little pervert. I always knew you were some low lust demon."
Her speech hurt me just as much as her elbow.
"And I must congratulate you for making her snap so quickly, you look rather good in that position."
The jerk who came into scene was Alice's twin brother Lixk, and he was just as screwed as her sister.
"I see two puppies came to play!."
"What did you say?." she snarled at me again and put more effort in crushing my skull. I've never gotten along well with these two, they are Lily's personal guards and technically they were supposed to be near her at all times, which is why I didn't even start to imagine why they where here and how. The Tunnel was a really intricate labyrinth.
"And what are you doing down here? you know what, never mind, just get off me and I'll be on my way."
" First I want to know why did you attack me?"
"It wasn't you I was attacking, idiot."
" You were planning on attacking the Chief? "
Quick on the uptake, Alice sounded upset with the whole idea. before she could say anything more I started to manipulate the mana around my right hand which started to glow bluish, raising it over my head I grabbed alice's wrist, right now my hand was pretty cold. Surprised she screamed and jump backwards and off my back, without losing my momentum I rolled and stood up.
Alice got ready to punch me, I leaped sideways dodging her but as soon as I was to grab Alice I felt in the back of my head a heavy hit and everything went dark falling limply on the floor. The blasted twins had attacked me at the same time.
My head was swaying at a comfortable peace. All my blood stuck in my temples making it ache. As I regain some awareness the back of my head throb and felt swollen. I opened my eyes to see the back of a red blouse that was tied in place by a thin white belt and my head almost touching the buttocks. I can't even start to wrap up my situation.
"So you've finally woken up?"
" Why are my hands tied and why you're the one carrying me?" I just had to ask why I was in Alice's back.
"So that you don't try anything funny again and because you're lighter than the granny".
As soon as she told me that I lifted my head to see Lixk carrying The Chief like a sack, it would seem that no one in town holds one spec of respect for her despite how vengeful and scary she can be.
"And why on heaven's name is the Chief also here?"
"Because we had to follow her to know exactly where you were locked up and she happened to notice our presence on the last minute" answered Lixk.
"You are a heartless bastard, you know that right?"
"Don't say that, I like to consider myself a gentleman, we were planning taking action after she had left, but the plans changed."
"Never mind, where are you taking me to?"
" I gotta tell you I don't really know, since we didn't want to stay in one place we started walking..."
"I don't know where we are either by the way..." said Alice in a carefree attitude.
"And yet you're moving to gods knows where?" one had to really hand it to them when it came to being spontaneous.
"We supposed that it was better than do nothing, right Lixk?"
"You two are just blatantly idiots, that got me lost before I even started."
Neither retorted back. I just knew then that this was going to be one mayor hell to me. Before they got themselves involved I had it all worked out somehow and now I was in the middle of a treacherous tower with two idiots and a granny
I am guessing all of this happened because some innocent idiot girl tried to help me escape. At this point all I could do was hang my head and pity myself for my darn luck.
A.N. - I hope you enjoy this chapter

Book One - The Dragonkin Empire.
FantasyHumans have reached the Spirit Plane from the Physical World after a long battle against demons. Humans guard now the only way to cross between worlds. Time pass slowly, demons fade into things of the past and important memories are forgotten. On a...