Lumiere's side.
I wake slowly with a groggy head, I blink a few times to shake the sleep away, I try to slowly stand, while I look around but the darkness permeates the room completely, being in a dark clad room throws me off balance, immediately I reach my hand that lands on a wall, but even though my hand reaches the wall it slips because of the damp surface and because of my awkward footing I end up falling anyway hitting my head with the ground on the way down. I can feel the blood rushing to my head and I end up more disoriented than before.
I stay down without moving until the pain recedes before opening my eyes again. I check my head thoroughly to see if I'm bleeding, next comes my arms and legs but I don't feel anything wrong on my body, I relax and take a deep breath. There are no torches near and the darkness is heavy and thick, my heart starts pounding inside my chest until I feel like it'll jump out.
To avoid myself from panicking I keep taking deep breaths until I feel light headed, despite that I, I only avoid the worst scenario for me since I'm still extremely nervous. I try crawling to the wall that I let go before, the earth under my hands is rough and the countless little rocks hurt my hands and knees, when I reach the wall I decide to go around following it, even if I don't find anything I can always come back. That's what I was thinking when my head bumps against something, rubbing my head again I reach my hands in front of me and feel the cold, hard skin of metal. That tells me where I am.
Once I know that I'm inside a cell I can think more clearly, I lick the blood off of my hand that was injured by a rock while putting my thoughts in order. I walk around feeling the iron bars and the walls. I know that I'm inside a cell that it's underground, I can tell because of the lack of light and the stagnant air, given the lack of sun the underground is way colder and right now I only have the bare minimum of clothes on, I don't know where this cell is or who brought me, I also can't get food in here, If things stay this way I'm going to die if I don't get out of here quickly. The walls are damp so I don't have to worry too much for water.
I'm thinking that Since I'm in a cell someone will come down eventually to check on me, if I hold long enough and stay sharp I can find a chance to escape.
I start thinking about where I could be, the last I remember is the night when we got out of the Tunnel, since then I don't know what happened or how long I've been asleep. I don't know where the twins are and whether they're fine either. Thinking about the twins makes me anxious again so I try to distract myself, tying to listen if there are other noises besides mine but I don't hear anything.
I realize that for the moment I'm all alone inside this darkness.
Lily's side.
"But it sure is impressive, all this destruction, hidden entirely from the outside." On our way to these ruins we have come across many constructions that were incredibly thick and that were placed in hard to reach locations, but all of them were destroyed to the ground and in some places there was nothing left except for a fire-razed wasteland that still lasted even after all this time. Only a brutal, strong and ruthless attack could have done so much damage to the ruins. I watch them in awe and a shiver runs down my spine while I think of the grand battle, I think I would have liked to be a witness of it, my thoughts run free but as we advance through the mountain pass and come closer to the center the destruction becomes less and less until we can see buildings without a scratch, meaning that all the battling happened outside and when they broke through the remaining forces fled or surrendered.
I watch the broad back of Hekte as he strolls lazily through the garden until it disappears inside the mist. I'm sitting on the ground outside a white building, almost all the buildings in the area are white.

Book One - The Dragonkin Empire.
FantasyHumans have reached the Spirit Plane from the Physical World after a long battle against demons. Humans guard now the only way to cross between worlds. Time pass slowly, demons fade into things of the past and important memories are forgotten. On a...