Meeting a beast.

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Lily's side.

 "When you're going to prepare? Already we should've left hours ago!"

 My voice fills the quiet dark blue room that was carefully arranged for us, it was adorned with fine and simple furniture that is starting to being lit by the morning sun, in the East the sun shines early and fades early as well. My voice is carried outside the room through the open door, startling a servant girl that was passing through and making her drop what she was holding, picking it up hurriedly she fled as fast as she could. I stomp my way to the door and slam it shut, the object of my rage is once again Hekte that remains motionlessly on the couch, only staring at the ceiling and ignoring me completely making me flare up more, I was preparing to throw a tantrum at him when he finally spoke.

 "Even if we leave now there's nothing we can do anymore. Two days ago you said the dark god would, without a doubt, awaken once again when the West seal is broken, all the ropes put on him are no longer there and there's no way that we can travel all the way to the West and make it in time to protect the seal, even if we travel through the East Tunnel, that is, if what you say it's true."

 "Do you think I am the sort to lie about anything?" My face flushes with indignation.

 "No, but I don't know why do you say that he'll awaken, how exactly do you know? Even if you say it out loud it still doesn't feels real."

 "This knowledge was passed down from each Chief to the next, but after being here and meeting the old man I think he's either senile or the information was lost along the way not making it to him, that's why the East let the seal be broken and apparently aren't even aware of it, and if it happened here it may very well happen on the West and I doubt that the demons will just keep quite forever."

 "But if that's the case there's no point in going to whatever place you want, I prefer to spend my peace ti..."

 "We haven't lost yet!" I speak resolutely trying to still my shaking voice "there are a few things left to try out, and if worst comes to it, we'll just fight back to defend ourselves."

 "So where do you plan on going?"

 "If that gets you moving I'll explain."

 I took out a big map and placed it on the table. According to this map the land has East, West and North inhabited and the South is where demons are congregated, the mountain range extends through the back of the villages in a square and on the few spaces were there are no mountains there is a thick forest, if you go to the tips of the square you'll find a path to the other side of the mountains where the Forbidden Grounds are, on these very tips and at the edge of the forest are the villages, inside the square formed by the mountains and aside from the forests from there the land is plain with a few stray rivers and few changes in scenery.

 "This map shows that in the middle there are some ruins that are protected by fog."

 "So, if it's just fog then they can't be too hidden."

 "Of course not, the fog apparently has a special property that makes the place invisible... or undetectable... I don't know, but the point is that the place it hard to locate, this thing shows how to get into it."

 "Is this map reliable, it look incredible old and ready to fall apart, beside the fact that there are tons of scribbling on it."

 "My grandma gave it to me so it should be fine, I don't know what we'll encounter because for two hundred years no one has gone there, I mean, there wasn't any need and there's nothing valuable plus the fact that is supposedly concealed" my voice is cheerful once again and I almost forget that I wanted to leave early today. "So that's where we're going, c'mon, let's ride and destroy the evil god once and for all." I step outside with momentum hoping that Hekte would follow suit but he just roll to the side and began sleeping once more making me snap.

Book One - The Dragonkin Empire.Where stories live. Discover now