Chapter 3

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Tris POV


The bell signaling that first period is over wakes me up rather abruptly. When my eyes flutter open, I see the boy with the blue eyes looking at me, smiling. How long had he been watching me? Was I snoring? Oh God- I hope I wasn't drooling. That's not hot at all- which he certainly is.

"Alright, class! That's the bell! Have a good one." Tori announces as students charge out of the room.

"So what's the deal with Mr. Player, hm? You think he's cute- don't you?" Christina asks, ever- nosy as always. God that girl's lucky I love her.

"Yes, yes I am. Now spill it with black clothes boy!" Christina adds. Thinking out loud again. Ed Sheeran taught me well, I suppose.

"Okay, Chris. Fine. He's cute, okay? That's all. We've never even talked before. He doesn't even know my name..." I drift off as we hussle through the hallways to gym class.

"Well I think you could totally have him. With those darling good looks, you'll have him wrapped around your finger in no time!"

Ahh yes. Leave it to my best friend to play match-maker. Christina is talented- to say the least- in her ability to match couples. She always knows who would be good with who. Every year Chrissy sets up at least 5 couples, and they usually last. Her and I are exact opposites in that respect. I would never meddle in someone else's love life, whereas with Chrissy, her life revolves around the delicate art of meddling. Christina is a pro at pushing the limits. She pushes people just to the brink and then, ever so carefully, lets them down easy. That must be why she's such a good match maker. She can piss people off until she finds out who they're crushing on and when she finds out, she'll back off and all is well.

"Awww Chris! Do we have to do this again?"

"And what's that?"

"Play match maker on me! There's probaby a hundred desperate, lonely seniors who you could play on, why me?! I'm not even lonely, I'm okay. It's fine. I just said he was cute, you don't have to do all this."

"Oh, Tris," she started, "I don't do this because I have to. I partake in what you like to refer to as 'match making' because it brings me great joy. Luvz it!" She finished her statement with a girly, high-pitched, classic Christina squeal.

"But-" I start.

"No buts. Let's go change, we'll talk later!" she hollers as she runs ahead to the girls locker room.

I sigh. Maybe it won't be so bad. After all, he really was cute. I walk into the locker room and start changing.

Just change, Tris.I tell myself. You'll see him again tomorrow, first period. Not that far. Stop thinking about him, and his blue eyes that melt your heart and his soft luscious lips that you just want to---

Stop it, Tris!

I walk into the gym and start over to greet Coach Brown, as I haven't seen her all summer. That's when I see him. I wouldn't miss those piercing blue eyes for a second. He notices me staring and smirks, then looks down laughing. God damn that smile, those eyes.

He could be a total asshole. Don't set the bar so high. All he is right now is a pretty face. Stop imagining him having a perfect personality. He probably doesn't.

"Tris! I want to introduce you to Marlene. We met over the summer, I just never had a chance to introduce you two. You'll get along well." Christina says.

Marlene is really pretty. She could be a model. Perfect body, flawless skin, and hair that ombres itself from chocolate brown to hazelnut brown to a gorgeous honey- golden blonde. I have blonde hair myself, but it's always been quite dull and lifeless.

"Hi, Marlene. I'm Tris."

"Tris, gorgeous name. I'm new. Just moved to Chicago over the summer when I met Christina at the beach. She had this electric blue bikini on and I was wearing the exact same one in neon orange." Marlene says.

"We couldn't help but mention it! So we started talking and our families all hung out around a beach bonfire until midnight. We've kept in touch since then. I can't believe this is the first time I've been able to introduce you two!" Christina adds.

"Wow, what a coincedence! That's pretty cool, actually."

"Alright, three laps around the gym!" Coach Brown yells and blows her whistle.  

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