1. End and Beginning

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The long-drawn fight between the devil Zagred and humans, allied with the reincarnated elves had finally reached a concluding end when the anti-magic kid ended the demon with his powers. 

The present is now in safe hands and the five hundred year old tale of mine and Lumiere's enmity with the devil finally came to an end. 

All that was remained to do for me was to free all the reincarnated elf souls from their human vessels so that they can rest in peace. I was an incompetent leader to my tribe and it was my incompetence that resulted in their suffering. 

William, the mage who was the vessel of Patri opened up his grimoire to cast his spell. His spell added with the effects of both my Demon Dweller and Demon Destroyer Swords would be beneficial to cancel the reincarnation spell. Both these swords were once created by my own hands ages ago and are currently in possession of a human child who can't use magic but can instead anti-magic.

He let me borrow my swords for one final time. I had intentions of handing my swords to him permanently, knowing full that he can put them to good use. He proved that himself. My grimoire which had been corrupted due to me falling into despair is also in his possession and he is making good use of it. 

I really have no regrets. Even mine and Lumiere's dream of elves and humans working together had become a reality. 

William went ahead and use his World Tree Magic to form a seed by holding out his hand. I then pressed by hand on his back, channeling my mana through him to the many twisted branches which originated from that one seed. Now the seed is a big tree visible to almost every citizen in the entire Clover Kingdom.

"Union Magic: Demon Dweller Sword: Spirit Light Tree." We chanted at the same time. 

The tree begin shinning in a bright blinding light before rays of light scattered reaching the elves who had been reincarnated and currently possessed human bodies. With the aid of this spell, I disclosed the truth they need to know and the fact that we are longer a part of this world. We will have to leave this world in the hands of humans.

Surprisingly no one protested against me. They didn't even hold me as an incompetent leader who failed to protect them from their untimely demise. Rather they instantly agreed with me. Where I still have doubts on myself on whether I was a good leader or not, my people never once doubted me.

I was truly overwhelmed.

I then grabbed the Demon Destroyer Sword before inserting it within the branches of the shinning tree. The effects of the sword took place and I could notice the souls of elves departing the mortal world, leaving their vessels intact and unharmed, heading towards the skies. Now that they were aware of truth, none of them held any sort of hostility towards the humans.

I then bid farewell to Rhya, Vetto and Fana who would be remaining behind in the mortal world due to the fact that their second reincarnation took place in soulless bodies which meant that their vessels do not have any other owner.

They would be the ones continuing dream that I and Lumiere shared. Perhaps every event that happens, happens for a specific cause. 

Turning to face the human mage named Yuno while feeling that my soul is proceeding to leave the land of living, I thanked him wholeheartedly. He was the one due to which I was able to feel what fighting alongside my own child feels like. He had inherited Tetia's Wind attribute, something she would have been overjoyed to see if she were here.

The anti-magic boy walked up to me, holding out my grimoire saying that he wishes to return it to me. I rejected him and instead handing both the grimoire and swords in his hand like I wanted to. 

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