23. Possibilities

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Licht Eralith's POV

Knowing full well that grandpa was up to no good, I followed him to make sure that he does not throw someone off the balcony or hangs someone upside down and beat them with a cactus. It has always been in his nature to test things or people out when they manage to pique his interest and knowing his personality, his tests are anything but non-life threatening. He claims that without thrill and risks in life, there is no meaning to living.

Sometimes I wonder did he really rule with this personality or is this a complete personality-shift after renouncing the throne to Father? Or is this a method for him to cope with the losses and tragedies he went through all his life? Each person have their own method of coping and it is true that the brightest people do carry the deepest scars.

We soon made our way to the courtyard of the palace where our eyes landed on Arthur and Tessia talking with one another. The latter had a pout on her face, mostly due to how Arthur behaved in front of us, if I were to guess based on her facial expressions. We both stopped and stood behind one of the pillars, hiding our presence. 

Grandpa's trademark smirk crept up on his face before he took out a pencil-sized boomerang, blunted and coated in a layer of rubber on both sides. It is from my toy collection with which I used to play with at the age of three.....playing in my definition meant whether I could coat this boomerang with mana, throw it in the air and then try to control its trajectory and speed with mana.

"And what are you going to do with that?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Just wait and watch.." With that said, he let out a tiny bit of his killing intent enough to alert both the children of his presence while keeping himself well hidden behind one of the pillars. He then threw the boomerang at full force, aimed at Tessia's head.

Arthur's reaction to this situation was a jaw-dropping one. Quickly pushing Tessia out of the way, he caught the boomerang mid-air before rushing for Grandpa who had revealed himself from behind the pillar. The latter raised his right arm as an attempt to attack but Arthur was quick to block it with the boomerang in his hand, all of this with minimum movement and precision that even I never witnessed up until now. 

With his attack blocked, he attempted to look up, only to meet the goofy, smirking face of Grandpa Virion before jumping back to create some distance between them.

"What the hell?! Why the hell are you trying to kill us?" He angrily yelled.

"Kid. It may hurt a little but I doubt the toy you are holding could kill anyone." He chuckled.

Blinking Arthur glanced at the 'weapon' in his hand only to drop it in embarrassment. Tessia exchanged glances between grandfather and Arthur trying to process how things escalated this far. She had stopped pouting long ago.

"Haha! Nice reaction! I never expected you would catch my little present and use it to block my next attack." He pointed out. "Truly marvelous. However your usage of mana was mediocre at best."

"Oi Licht! Hand me those things that I asked you to bring." He spread his arm out to me.

"Really? You are doing that here?" I raised an eyebrow again, questioning his motives.

"What's the harm in that? I did the same with you too in this very place." He responded, sounding proud of himself. "You didn't complain that time."

"More like my complains never reached your ears.." I deadpanned before taking out two wooden swords of different sizes. One smaller fit for someone like Arthur and the other one was a normal sized one.

Throwing them towards their respective owners, I went up and picked Tessia in my arms and moved away a considerable distance from the two so that she doesn't get caught up in the middle of their spar. 

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