28. Progress

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A bright and massive magic circle surrounded the skies above the village of elves. The residents who had gathered together to congratulate their leader on his wedding glanced upwards, wondering what sort of weird phenomenon was taking place. The magic power in the circle resembled that of the human prince. 

Another magic circle appeared on top of the one prior to it cutting off the access of mana. The elves present there couldn't access mana or use their grimoires anymore. 

"Brother?" Tetia muttered, grasping the hand of her husband tightly. Even if the mana signature felt similar to her brother she felt something off about it. She put her other hand on her belly in a protective manner.

Before anyone had any chance to react or assess the situation, arrows of light began showering from the massive magic circle. It started knocking down the elves one by one without any regard to whether they were men, women or children. No one was spared from the indiscriminate barrage of arrows. The garden where the ceremony was being held caught fire and showed no signs of stopping. 

Licht was about to step up and prevent this from happening when one arrow struck his back and the next one struck Tetia. 

"Tetia!!" Not caring about his own injury, Licht rushed to his wife's aid. He knew next to nothing about Healing Magic and could helplessly watch as his wife's life, his unborn child's life and the life of his tribesmen be snatched right in front of his eyes. 

What's the point of having a four-leaf grimoire when he can't even save the lives of those he cherishes? Why did everyone choose someone as incompetent as him as the leader of their tribe? Did his best friend really betray him? Did Lumiere use his own sister for this purpose?

He found it difficult to believe but somewhere in his heart, doubt on his friendship started to form as his village continued to burn down to ashes. His empty eyes stared at the corpses of his tribesmen. His ancestors must be disappointed in him for trusting a human. His grimoire floated in front of him and a devious black aura started to envelop the book. Similar black aura covered his left eye.

"Licht! Tetia!" The worried voice of Lumiere rang through his ears, prompting the leader of elves to gaze upwards where he saw his friend and his assistant descending on the ground.

"So you came, Lumiere." One look on the human's face and Licht realized that he had nothing to do with it. The sinister presence that he could faintly feel near to himself, confirmed his suspicions. "I am sorry to have doubted our friendship."


Licht Eralith's POV 

'To think I would be having that dream again.' Rubbing my eyes and suppressing a yawn, I got from the lavish and comfortable bed, walking up to the windows. The conversation with Mordain was still fresh in my mind. The fact that this continent would soon be engulfed in the flames of war has got me immensely worried. 

There were a mountain of things that needed to be done. Firstly, there is the need to unite the continent for us to stand a chance in the war. Secondly, collect the necessary information that will bring forth the proof that Dicathen isn't the only continent that exists. There are more. Mordain had refused to make audience with any of the three races because if he were to do that the Asuras want to keep their secrets buried would catch the wind of him and might try and eliminate him and anyone else that knows of 

'And I am not at the level to protect them all.' I clenched my fists, getting reminded of my own weakness. His words before I headed back to the palace still revolved in my head. 

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