4. Awaken with a BANG

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Five Months Later

Virion Eralith's POV

There are many moments of happiness in a man's life and I in my lifetime of more than a century also have a fair share of those moments. There are a listed few events which male one feel on cloud nine. 

I felt such kind of joy when my first son Allen was born. The feeling of becoming a father was even much, much more greater than becoming the ruler of the kingdom. Nothing could have matched the joy I felt that day. Years later, I was blessed with my second son, Alduin. Alduin definitely was a handful to raise. He won't admit that now though given he has become a father himself but I can't wait to narrate some of his embarrassing stories to my little rascal of a grandson, Licht.

But not every joy is meant to last forever. War between humans and elves had broken out when I had made my mind of giving up my crown to Allen who had reached of age and had the caliber to rule over the Kingdom. He was even the citizen's favorite and with his brother's support he would have no problems in ruling over and I could finally enjoy a retired life.

The world around me crumbled down when Allen died in the war. Unable to live with the grief of losing one of her sons, my wife fell ill and died months later. I had no time to mourn in grief over my losses as there was an ongoing war and a kingless kingdom. I took over the reigns of the kingdom once again since Alduin was still inexperienced in the field of ruling. And this time I went to the battlefield myself to lead my armies to victory. I had no intention of losing my only remaining son.

Not to brag but I am a mid stage silver core mage and a beast tamer.

The war had ended with both sides suffering numerous losses. I wasn't interested in the victor or the loser this time at all. I had nearly lost my everything to this damned war and wished that no other wars take place ever and no other father has to go through the loss of losing his child. Having experienced it myself, I know how it feels to see your child dead even before you. 

I spent rest of my years in peace, grooming Alduin to be the King needed by Elenoir. When he was capable enough, I declared him the king. I still sometimes help in matters that require my expertise but not with much interest like before. Things started feeling like a drag to me and I just passed time counting days or talking to Rinia about the most random of things, where half of the topics were utter nonsense.

You could say I was just spending my life filled with void and emptiness. 

The moment where I felt glad about living through the times of not one but two wars and having a long life, even burying the body of my son and wife, was when Licht was born. Born with the inherited silver hair and his mother's intelligent sky blue eyes, he gave me the joy of becoming a grandfather. I can't thank my son and daughter-in-law enough for blessing me with a grandson.

Hearing the word grandpa albeit granpwa was a moment I am never going to forget. Merial is mama alright, Alduin is dada that's fine and I am stuck with granpwa not grandpa. Rinia has been rendered to "nana." 

His birth sort of gave me a new purpose to life and the void seemed to have been filled. Most of my time is now spend with the little bundle of joy who does the strangest of things to amuse me to no ends. Like one time he held two spoons as if they were swords and making them clash with each other. And another time I saw him trying to sit on a broom twice his size. Wonder what he was trying to accomplish by sitting on a broom? 

Whenever I ask the maid to remove the broom from his presence, the little rascal makes such a teary, innocent face that makes me drop the order at once. Imagine being the former leader of elves and now being ruled over by a mere three year old brat. Well it can't be helped when the adorable brat is your grandson. 

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