11. Affinities

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Licht's POV 

After we received our licenses, we all were brought to an empty clearing outside of Valden City. There was a Teleportation Gate that would take us to wherever we wanted but Rey didn't wanted to head out right away. 

"First we will teach those two about our Safeguard Formation." Rey, his full name being Reynolds Leywin instructed the members.

Both me and Jasmine were visibly curious on what this Safeguard Formation is. It must be an important formation these people followed before taking any sort of action. Though the word 'safeguard' implied that this formation is mostly done to protect someone or something during times of emergency it seems.

"I saw both of your fighting styles and both of you are suited for single opponent combat." Reynolds directly spoke to us once we sat down in a circular position outside Valden. Right now, Reynolds's voice carried the authority with which he leads the team and not his usual goofy one. "The Safeguard Formation is for those times when we are attacked by a horde of mana beasts or let's say a group of bandits."

"There are times where adventurers are hired to act as security for some important goods being transported from one place to another or someone important that need to be escorted to their destination..." Helen took over. "..We follow the same formation."

She then took out an arrow from her quiver and with the arrowhead begin drawing on the ground. Her drawing skills were average as I was able to get the gist of what she wanted to explain. She used the first two initials of our names to explain how the members are assigned in the Safeguard Formation.

Angela is the last line defense given the fact that her defensive spells are strong preceded by Durden who uses his Conjurer skills for both attack and defense. Then alongside Angela and Durden, there is Helen who uses her ranged archery skills to keep enemies at bay, not even letting them close in at all. The left and right sides were occupied by the two Augmenters, Rey and Adam till now.

But now the formation went through a small upgradation. Now there would be two Augmenters on each side. Adam and Jasmine will be taking the right side while me and Reynolds would be taking the left.

"But what if we are surrounded from all four sides?" I inquired raising my hand.

"Then we get divided into one Augmenter each side, literally forming a square." It was Adam who answered this time. With his spear he made some changes in the rough sketch Helen made to explain us in an easier manner. "While Helen being an archer can take care of directing us as to from where our opponents will be popping up from."

Despite their low mana core levels they were an organized team leaving no room for mistakes when on mission or raiding a Dungeon. They are well-prepared for every situation and know how to adapt to sudden changes. It was a right decision accepting their invitation. I now have a good opportunity to learn everything about being an adventurer from them. They have the experience that easily compensates their low mana core level but one can quickly overcome that. They still have room to grow.

And if needed arises, I might as well share some tips on mana manipulation though it is going to be a little bit tricky when coming from an eight-year old. Though they just saw me take on an Adventurer triple my size and age, with Adam terming me as a Child Monster, I don't think they are going to be much suspicious about that.

"What about injuries?" 

Full three words! 

The hushed voice of Jasmine reminded me that she is sitting right beside me with her straight, expressionless face. It wouldn't have hurt to speak a little louder would it and not scare me out of my skin? I mean her voice didn't reach Adam though that must be due to his short attention span. Reynolds and Helen both somehow heard her loud and clear with the team leader proceeding to answer.

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