19. New Beginnings

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Jasmine Flameworth's POV

The day had finally arrived when Reynolds and Alice had finalized their wedding. The ceremony itself was taking place in the quiet and remote town of Ashber where it was revealed that Reynolds had also bought an average house with all basic accommodations and furniture in there. There was even a library as Alice was also into reading. She even planned on bringing in some books from the nearby town of Valden and put them in the library.

The arrangements that were made for the wedding ceremony were pretty simple and not too extravagant, something Alice had wanted. It was taking place in front of the empty area of their new house, with chairs, tables and flower decorations all kept in perfect order. Durden and Adam had arrived before everyone else to help with the finishing touches of the decorations. 

Reynolds had invited everyone of us beforehand and we were all on time except one. 

Ail--no his real name is Licht and he is LATE! 

And until each and everyone of us are here, the ceremony won't be starting off.

Just what the heck is taking him soo long? Is finding a simple gift impossible for someone as talented as him? Then again I am the one to talk as I basically tagged along with Helen to get the gifts for the two of them. Looks like one cannot be talented in all aspects just because they are a talented mage and speak like an adult a few times.

"Waiting for your boyfriend?" Dressed in a decent suit, Adam walked over with a teasing smirk plastered on his face. 

That question alone landed him a kick on his knees from me then and there. Firstly he is not my boyfriend, what made Adam think he is, is something I will never come to understand. Plus he is an elf for God's sake so us being in a relationship is potentially impossible. Elves and Humans have always been and are still on each other's throats. 

The relation between an elf and a human would only be possible when the current elven king and Blaine Glayder, current king of Sapin decide to shake hands, forgetting all their past grudges. But taking note of human nature, that is nearly impossible to pass by. 

'And it is not like I like him in that way. He is a good and supporting friend and...' I could feel my face slightly heating up and just delivered another kick at Adam who was still recovering from the previous one. This one was aimed at his 'dignity' or what they call a man's pride but lucky for him my foot missed by a few inches....thanks to my short height and him jumping away on time. 

"Hey hey watch it!" Adam yelled in protest.

"It is all your fault!"

"But what did I even do?!"


Not  wanting to give him an answer, I stomped away to where Helen, Alice and Angela were. That would help me get rid of the useless thoughts that sprung up in my head thanks to the redhead idiot. Someone teach him to not run his mouth unnecessarily or he would end up in big trouble. I sincerely wish that happens which would teach him a lesson.


Licht Eralith's POV

"Come on broom! Faster! Faster!"

'I just had to be late today of all days..' Shaking my head, I took another look at the map in my possession while stopping midair for just a few seconds before resuming flight. If it were some other time, I would've enjoyed the nostalgic feeling of flying on a broom again but right now I am in a time constraint. 

I spared a look at the cloth bag I had with myself and quickly checked whether the contents inside were safe or not. These were gifts for Alice and Reynolds and preparing them took most of my time and hence I am late. Never knew that preparing a good enough gift takes a good load of time and mental power. Massive respect to the elves who had given me gifts in my wedding. 

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