Someone just like Reaper

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" just never stops."

Reaper said, as he Reaps corrupted souls that kept on appearing. Clearly, they are not giving him the break that he deserves. It is just way too much for him to bare. Why can't he just take a break and stop for once?

Reaper than looks down at the ground, as he than sat down. He held his head, as he cannot seem to catch a break. He had been inside of the Underworld for such a long time, and there had not been seen to be any progress with his attitude of his. Reaper just wants to stop and take a break for once, so that he can finally feel free about not having to keep on doing this anymore. But the thing is, he will not get that break, no matter what it is that he might say, no matter that he does that he might do. Papyrus is feeling positive, since he is seen to be talking to some pure souls that have appeared, and that is the only good thing about him. But for Sans, there is nothing good of the situation that he is in right now. He is just very tired of having to do his job at the God of Death, and for once, would really like to have a break.

Reaper sighed, as he sat on the ground, clearly very upset with what he had to go through. He had been doing this for a million years, and so far, it has begun to wear him down a little bit. Why is it that he cannot seem to catch a break of sorts? He just wants it to be over. Well...sure, the Corrupter Souls don't appear all the time, and sometimes have even stopped, but the job that he has taken has become way to stressful and way to exhausted for Reaper's own mind.

sure, the Corrupter Souls don't appear all the time, and sometimes have even stopped, but the job that he has taken has become way to stressful and way to exhausted for Reaper's own mind

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Than, Reaper's head raised up a little bit, as he than looks to see that there is another Corrupter Soul, and this one is a little bit stronger than the last one. But then, that thing is nothing compared to the level of strength that Reaper has, as it grabbed it without effort. The soul tried to get out of Error's grasp, but Error held it tightly in his hand, and than grabbed his scythe. He let's go of the soul, only for him to swing his scythe, and reaped it. The soul disappeared, as it is erased from existence, and with every soul that Sans reaps, he continues to grow more and more powerful over the millions of years.

Luckily, though, he is not the only god that exists. There are others that also exist. But unlike Sans, they were not able to pass on their powers. Only God of Death can. And now, Sans, as the new God of Death, he seems to not be thought very highly of by the other gods, due to the fact that...the Gods are created by stars. Death, on the other hand, is created from a dead one. A black hole. They are known to suck anything, and not even light had the power to escape it. Luckily, there is one person that does seem rather friendly to Sans.

 Luckily, there is one person that does seem rather friendly to Sans

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The God of Death and the Angel of the Underworld (Reaper Sans x Union Academy)Where stories live. Discover now