Rescuing a Kid

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"Hehehehehehe...they got what they deserved."

Reaper said, as he went forwards and walked around for a little bit. He has a twisted smile on his face, as he walked around the area that he is in. It has been an hour since his battle with Team RWBY, and needless to say, it is one heck of an embarrassment for the four of them. Now they will see that he is not someone that they can easily defeat, and is a very, very real threat.

Reaper puts back on his necklace, and he returns to his mortal form again. He walks calmly and without interruptions, as he goes forward. He cares very little of what is happening to Team RWBY, and is very glad that Team RWBY paid for what they have done. Now they get to suffer badly, with the worst one being Yang, who had her arm destroyed by him, thanks to he ability to decay living beings and kills them, without effort, or even restraining his power.

As for the him, thy are such an annoyance. They are so power hungry, and they never know when to quit, until they realize just how outclassed they are. Their biggest mistake, however, is to go into a fight against Death itself. They all can believe that they can fight against the physical embodiment of Death itself, but oh, they are so proven wrong. So proven wrong in fact, that they all nearly paid their lives for it. At least they ran away when they saw how powerful he is when he raised up his godly powers. But he is not very sure if they have gotten the message. For all he knows, they are likely going to come back for round 2. But even if they do come back to try and fight against him again, he will simply use his powers to try and kill them, again, and again. No matter what happens, he will simply use his powers to kill one of them. Besides, he highly doubts that even Ophis will be able to defeat him, but will give him a respectable challenge. Especially since she is an infinite dragon god, and she will not be affected by the touch of death.

Now, though, he is expecting to have a run in with the heroes. When he runs into the heroes, than they'll have less troubling dealing with him compared to the Huntresses, but have more trouble trying to deal with him when comparing them to the Devils, who are a little bit more powerful than the heroes themselves. He won't have any trouble trying to take them down, because he will simply defeat them in combat. The devils may have magic and a wide variety of powers, but they are lot at the height of Reaper, the God of Death. The huntresses may have semblances and Aura, but they barely made a difference, and even worse is that Reaper can simply disrupt the aura and instantly drain it the moment that he touches their bodies. The heroes, they will just simply be defeated, and though they may have training far different from the 2 separate groups, that will not change a thing, as they have powers that make them look powerful, but most of them do not have enhanced physicals strength. Just physical body modifications. And that is it. They do not have that much enhanced superhuman physicality.

Reaper scoffed at the thought, as he does not feel threatened by the heroes coming, as he than spoke out.

"Let them come. I do not care of how many of them come, or the varieties of the so-called quirks that they have. Their powers mean nothing to me. I will simply defeat them without any trouble, and just use a death touch on one of them in order for them to take a hint to leave me alone."

Reaper is not worried, as he can simply defeat them at the end of it all. No matter how powerful the so-called heroes are, they will never defeat the God of Death. How can you defeat Death itself, when Death's power had become stronger. Ever since becoming the new inheritor of the mantle of the God of Death itself, Reaper's powers, such as his home attack and his Gaster Blaster power increased, along with the blue magic attack that he had. So no matter what, regardless of how strong the heroes are to try and go up against him, not even they are strong wrought for the current God of Death, and the ruler of the whole Underworld. They are simply going to try and fight a losing battle, and if they were to ever meet with each other, Reaper is going to use about a small fraction of his power, to show the difference between the hero of Union City, and a man, claiming the title of Death.

The God of Death and the Angel of the Underworld (Reaper Sans x Union Academy)Where stories live. Discover now