Meeting a Calamity Lady

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Reaper stares at the people of Union Academy, as they looked up at him, with fear present in their faces. His own power, sucking the life out of every single being that he can find. His glare is so deadly, so dangerous, that getting close to Reaper is suicide, because the moment that they do, they will end up getting effected by the power of Reaper's darkness and they will be killed by it. Union Academy has never felt the full power of Death before, they have never seen any being that personifies the very concept of Death to the very core. Well, when Reaper became the God of Death itself, they now understood why they have never seen it before their very eyes. The truth is, they have all been seen by it, and they have been seeing before their very eyes this whole time, in their entire lives, everyday. It is just that they have not been paying attention to the fact that Death was everywhere wherever the Darkness is present. And the Darkness is eternal. The darkness is the first thing to ever be made in the universe, the darkness is the primordial being of the whole universe, the whole Multiverse, and Reaper, who is the part of the darkness, is everywhere in the Multiverse, Death is everywhere, as he is a part of darkness.

 The darkness is the first thing to ever be made in the universe, the darkness is the primordial being of the whole universe, the whole Multiverse, and Reaper, who is the part of the darkness, is everywhere in the Multiverse, Death is everywhere, ...

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His was so wide...and yet, it was so menacing to see. The darkness swirls around Reaoer like a black hole. In fact, his very nature is as he said it has become, a black hole, sucking life out from those that dare get close to his range. The grass withered and died, the human corpses began to decay and rot until they have become skeletons, which is a symbol of death, by the way. The Union Academy members were horrified at the sight that is before them, as they have never seen Sans this mad before in their lives, than again, he has been bottling up this anger for a very long time, and it had been brewing inside of him for gods know how long it has been. The Union Academy students, at least the ones dumb enough to keep on fight, stood up with all of their might, and tried to attack him, and even Yang joined in, but her team held her back, as the others tried to get close to Reaper in order to try and attack him. But Reaper's powers have grown dangerously powerful to the point that the moment that they got within 13 feet of Reaper, with an additional 13 inches, the power of Reaper effected them all, as they felt the power of death killing their bodies on the most painful and agonizing way that they have ever felt. It makes the most painful torture devices and the most painful death in Remnant cute in comparison to the agonizing power of Death itself. They screamed, as Reaper, in his rage, killed them in the most agonizing way possible

The moment that happened, Union Academy became way more frightened than before, as than, the darkness began to come towards Issei, who is holding onto the left arm that once used to hold his Boosted Gear. Issei was frightened, as he has no idea how he can defend against this. But than, Rias came to the rescue, as she wrapped her arms around Issei, and teleported him out of the way. Also grabbed his severed left arm, and teleported as well. In fact the Devils all teleported away, as the human and Faunus Union Academy members simply took the chance to try and run away from the scene. The Union Students and Teachers kept on running, until they were gone from his sight. And than, Reaper began to finally calm down, as his powers stopped flaring, and he than reaped the souls of the Union Academy Students that he killed with his scythe. And luckily for him, they count as being corrupted, as he sliced and reaped their souls. This made Reaper Sans become more and more stronger, due to the effect of his powers. When he kills a pure soul, Reaper Sans gets weakened. But with every corrupted soul that he reaps, he becomes more and more powerful by every entity that he had killed that is considered to be corrupted.

The God of Death and the Angel of the Underworld (Reaper Sans x Union Academy)Where stories live. Discover now