8: All I Need Is You

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Art by Nixakimbo

James Pov:

After Julia and I had managed to get away from
each other's attempts to continue our little make out session, and after Julia promised to get me food we walked out of the shower room and down the hall to my cell.

By the time we made it back my stomach was growling at me." Do you have a bear in there?" Julia joked as she looked at me with concern." I'm really hungry." She nodded." You haven't eaten in a while so I'm not surprised." I nodded as she thought for a moment." I'll be right back okay, I'll tell the guards that you aren't and can't leave." I nodded and thanked her. She pecked my lips with hers before leaving me alone.

I sat down on my bed and looked at the wall and bed that was across from me. I started to smile as I thought back on all that had happened earlier. It felt, right. All of it. Her lips against mine, her fingers in my hair, her practically sitting on my lap, and just being that close to her. I had never felt this way before. And frankly I didn't want it to go away.

I wasn't sure how long I was waiting for Julia to get back but long enough for me to start getting to the point I thought I would throw up from the lack of food I had been getting recently. The lock clicked and opened causing me to sit back up. I was smiling when Julia came back in with her arms full of things.

She gave me a glass bottle that had dark brown liquid in it that was fizzing. I looked at her skeptical at first." What is this?" I asked." It's Coke Cola." I looked back at the bottle, examining it closely. I saw some letters on the side, they were all in Russian." Pop the lid off." She told me as she mixed something together in a bowl." How?" I was confused by this little glass bottle, how was I supposed to open it?" Can I show you?" She held her hand out to me and I passed the bottle to her. She took it and put the top of the bottle against the metal bed frame, she then it her hand with her other and off came the cap." There." She smiled at me, passing the bottle back to me.

It tasted, odd to say the least. I had never had something like that before. It made my mouth feel numb at times then it went away just as fast as it came. My teeth felt chalky after each sip. It wasn't a feeling I liked, but it tastes good.

"What's that?" I asked as Julia set the bowl down she had been mixing." Soup, tomato soup actually." I was trying all sorts of new things today." It's not really hot but it's warm enough to eat." She passed me the bowl and she took the bottle from me, taking a sip of it before sitting down next to me." What do you think?" She asked as I eat some of the red soup." It's good. I like it." She had a proud smile spread across her face as I kept eating.

After I had finished the bowl of soup and and apple, or two, Julia got rid of all the things she had brought in before sitting back down next to me. I watched her play with her hands as she ran her thumb nail along the edges of her other finger nails, pushing back the skin on the sides and top. I took her hand to make her stop, it was kind of annoying. She looked up at me and I felt that funny feeling come back as we locked eyes.

Was it bad to feel this way, to want her beyond just kissing and hugging? I wanted her, just the thought of being with her made me feel excited. I want all of her.

Julia's Pov:

'Gosh his eyes are stunning.' I thought to myself as he looked down at me. And there it was again, the explosion of butterflies in my stomach had returned. I wanted him so bad, I needed him. But just us kissing and showing any emotional contact at all was stepping way over the line. But I couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to have his skin against mine, his lips on my body like they were earlier. His hands wondering my body as I did the same to him. But my fantasy's were childish and far beyond anything I, or James could do. But still, it doesn't hurt to think about it, does it?

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