11: They All Know

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Normal Pov:

Radburn was standing outside the shower room door, his gun slung around him as he flipped through the recent romance book he had been reading.

"No, don't leave him." He wined as he flipped to the next page." Three years later?!" He then shut his book and leaned against the wall, mad at how his book was going. He heard the water turn on and he smiled to himself." Lucky bastard."

"Switch out time." Lakshmana said as he walked towards Redburn." I told Julia I would stand watch till she was done." Lakshmana looked at him for a moment then shrugged." Suit yourself."

Radburn sighed and paced back and forth by the door. He checked his watch then looked at the door." I shouldn't." He said to himself. He reached for the door handle but pulled his hand away, turning around and standing by the door.

He looked back down at his book as he heard something come from the inside of the shower room. He closed his book and went to look through the shutter but yet again stopped himself." I should at least check." He said to himself." But I shouldn't." Radburn sighed and turned around, looking back to his book.

Julia's back was pressed to the shower wall as James smashed his lips against hers, bringing a moan from her. He tasted so good, he felt good too. All of it did. His hands held the back of her thighs as her hands roamed down his body. The mix of warm water and sweat speckled his broad chest.

Another moan left her when she felt him at her entrance, making her want him to just fuck her right there." James." Julia moaned as he kissed down her neck, leaving a few love marks along the way. He brought his lips back to hers before answering her cry." Yes doll?" She shuddered as those words left his mouth. The hold this man had on her was addictive, and he already had her hook line and sinker." Fuck." She breathed out as he press her harder against the wall, making her feel how hard he was." I- I need you." She whimpered out as he playfully pushed his tip into her." You do?" He asked, kissing next to her ear." Yes." She moaned out again as she tried to pull herself closer to him. He kissed under her jaw, hitting her sweet spot perfectly, almost driving her over the edge with a single kiss.

"I love how needy I make you." Julia's eyes rolled back as he pushed further into her, his lips never leaving her skin. She bit her lip and held her breath as he kissed over the front of her neck. He looked up at her, taking her chin in his hand, forcing her to look at him. Her eyes slowly opened to look back into his. He took his thumb and untucked her lip from between her teeth, running his thumb over her lip before kissing her again. The kiss was broken a few times from Julia's moans and cry's of pleasure, that only fueled James, pushing him to do more." Fuck James." She moaned again, taking a fist of his hair as he slowly rocked his hips against her.

She could never get tired of that feeling, the feeling of having every inch of her skin against James's as he gave her all she needed and pleased her more then any man could. He was her life line just as much as she was his. They needed each other more then they know.

Radburn was still standing outside of the showers when Dr. Peterson went walking by. Being the nosey person he was known to be, he stoped what he was doing and walked over to Radburn." What are you doing?" He asked rather harshly. Radburn looked up from his book and groaned." Waiting for Julia. Why do you ask?" Peterson looked at the door behind him then back to Radburn." You don't wait in there with them? He could kill her you know." Radburn was trying not to laugh in his face when those words left his forked tongue. If he only knew." I trust her judgment. She knows the asset better then anyone and she can take care of herself, she doesn't need me standing watch making him nervous all the time." Peterson wasn't convinced." I don't believe that, she's doing something with him and I know it. Let me in." Peterson went to push past Radburn but was stopped when Radburn moved in front of him, placing a hand on his gun in the hopes he would need to use it." I can't let you. Julia's orders." " I don't give two shits about what Julia told you to do, let me in or else." Radburn refused, he couldn't let you down." Move now soldier, that is an order." Peterson was turning red as he looked down at the blond haired man in front of him." No sir." He spoke back." That's it." Peterson pushed Radburn out of the way and pulled the metal door open, and what he found surprised him.

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