15: Epilogue:

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Both pictures are by Nixakimbo

James Pov:

"How did I get so lucky?" I asked, looking over at Julia as she smirked at me." Not sure, good thing I was your nurse huh?" I smiled at her, taking her hand in mine as we sat next to each other.

The food that Shuri had prepared for our reception was absolutely amazing, it being made up of Wakandan delicacies used for old wedding traditions. It was perfect.

We danced the night away, laughing with the people I was fortunate enough to call my friends, Julia was glad to finally have met Sam after I had told her so much about him. Sam was glad to see me this way, happy. For once in my life I was actually happy, truly over the moon.

Once the night had ended and all the guests had bid us fair well, Shuri led Julia and I to the top floor of the building to a truly beautiful sight.

"Oh my gosh." Julia gasped as we both stepped into the large room." This is amazing." I said out loud as we looked around the living room that connected to a large deck that had a hot tub and fire pit." This is so amazing." Julia agreed with me." Thank you so much." Julia told Shuri." You're welcome, anything for the two of you." She bid us a good night, leaving Julia and I alone for the first time in years.

She took my hand and we continued to look around the flat." Oh James look." I followed her through two double doors into the master bedroom." Oh wow." I said out loud. It was nothing but extravagant, Shuri had really gone over board with the decorations.

Julia turned around to face me and I felt my heart flutter as her eyes met mine. God she's beautiful.

Julia's Pov:

Years, decades even we have spent apart. I thought I lost him forever. But there he was, standing right in front of me, practically calling me to be with him.

I walked over to him as he did the same to me. My heart was racing when his hand held my waist, pulling me closer to him. I held his face in my hands as he looked down at me, his blue eyes holding something new and exciting that I couldn't wait to explore.

As if reading my mind he dipped is head down and captured my lips with his, sending waves of sparks through my body. I had missed him more then I thought.

Our lips moved against each other's perfectly as I combed his hair with my finger. I felt his grip tighten on me as he kissed me harder. I wanted him so bad, I needed him. All of him.

He pulled back from me and scanned my face over before I smiled up at him." Are you sure about this?" He asked me. I had a moment of doubt at his words.

'Does he want me anymore?' I thought for a second." Yes, if you do?" He chuckled deeply, making me weak." So bad."

His mouth crashed against mine before his hands traveled down the back of my dress, pulling at the laches on the back of it. My back was pressed against the wall of the room as he picked me up, letting me wrap my legs around his waist in the process.

His lips traveled away from mine as he kissed down my neck. A soft moan left my lips as he bit my neck softly, leaving a mark there. Gosh he made me feel so good. The top of my dress was pulled down letting the rest of it pool at my legs before he picked me back up, his lips crashing back against mine desperately.

He walked both of us to the bed where he laid me down before pulling his dress shirt off and ridding himself of his black slacks. He crawled on top of me, looking down at my body as he did. I suddenly felt self conscious of all the scarres, scratches, and imperfections my body had gained from years past. Somehow sensing my sudden fear James leaned down and kissed next to my ear before whispering." You look perfect." I smiled and closed my eyes as he slowly kissed down my neck, under my jaw to my chin before capturing my lips with his once again. All clothing was soon removed as I laid bare under him. He worshiped my body tirelessly as we both fell into an endless state of pleasure.

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