"Come on, hurry up!"

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"Just wait for a freaking minute jeez-" I say.

Another day at damn work, mums been hassling me all morning even though she isn't even taking me there. I check the time, luckily it's only... '8:40????! IM DEAD'  I think.

I start to hurry a little more. Frantically throwing things into my backpack. I run downstairs and slip my shoes on, saying bye to my mum in a rushed voice. I run onto the sidewalk running as fast as I could to the bus stop. 'I really hope I'm not late for work'  I think while trying to sprint as fast as I can. I turn a corner and bump into a black haired man. I rub my head from the hit. I look up and he looks down. 

"Aggh! I'm so sorry, I have to go now bye!" I say

"It's o-"

I sprint off just as he was about to finish his sentence, I feel bad but it was for the shop. 

I finally see the bakery ahead and slam into the door trying to find the keys in my bag. I take them out and unlock the door. 'It's 8:59, just on time.'   I sigh waiting for customers to come in. I stare at the door with a bored feeling. 'Let's hope some customers will come soon, or it'll get pretty boring.'  The bell finally rings, in comes in a boy with blonde hair with a straw hat hanging off the back of his neck. A tingle goes down my spine 'is he an ability user? I can definitely sense that he has a power.'

"Hiii! I'm here for a few snacks."

"What would you like?" I say

"Oh ummm..."

Hearing how much he ordered it made my head hurt, luckily I still remembered it because there's such thing as a notepad (:3). 

'I think he literally bought all of my shop' I think

"That will be 16000 yen-" I say with embarrassment

"Ooh that's a little too much I'll just see if Rampo will allow me to get less-"

He walks outside and dials someone who I think is called Rampo. He walks back in a few minutes later.

"Oh! I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Kenji! And Rampo said to buy all of it." 

I stare at the long order. 

"I could give you a discount if you really can't pay for it, you could pay the rest later," I say.

"That would be great! Well, I only have 3000 yen on me right now so uh, I feel like it would be sorta a scam..."

Just as soon as I open my mouth the doorbell jingles. The black haired man comes in with laziness. Another tingle goes down my spine 'this is the man I saw before, and for some reason, he's an ability user too.' I think.

"Cmon Kenji you have to buy all of it, please~," The black haired man says.

"Oh yeah and this is Rampo, he wanted to order all of these snacks." 

I look at both of them arguing and I finally say, "If none of you are going to pay for it I'll have to kick you out of the shop, there will be people waiting to order their things too."

Rampo and Kenji sigh at the same time, 

"Rampo, we'll have to buy what we can afford, right now I can't pay for it."

With a disappointed look Rampo comes up to the counter and says "We'll only take these then..." he finishes with a grumpy tone and walks outside.

"Bye!" handing me the money, "We'll see you next time!" Kenji says energetically.


Soz if the chapter felt a little short, I'll try to update soon kk, bai yallll!

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