Wanna dance?

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Hail's POV

It was a cold winter day. I felt the wind rip through my hair and clothes. Leather jackets weren't as warm as they looked. I pulled out my phone and dialed Jake's number. We had been best friends since we were kids, before Black Veil Brides came into the picture. You heard me correctly, Jake Pitts is my best friend. Or was, we haven't talked in a long while, but he's in town at the moment. He picked up after it rang for a bit. "Hello?" I heard him say groggily. "Hey, Jake." I say holding my breath. "Hail?! Is that you?!" He sounds a little more awake now. I smile, "Yes, it's me." I say with a laugh. "Are you in town yet?" I ask sitting on a big rock. "I dunno, lemme check." I hear him shuffling around, and hear a few more voices. Two I recognize, Andy Biersack's, because well, who wouldn't know Andy Biersack's voice? And Jeremy's. You know him as Jinxx. I grew up with him too. There are two more voices I don't know. CC and Ashley I presume. I met Ashley once, but it was at a bar, and we were both drunk. So I don't remember a thing about him really...."Hey!" I hear Jinxx's voice. "Hey Jinxx!" I say smiling. "Jake's waking up still, but we'll be in town in about an hour." He says as I hear Jake trying to get the phone back. I chuckle, "Okay! Let me know when you're here, can't wait to see you guys." I say waiting to hear who's won the phone war. "See you soon!" I hear them both say. I shake my head with a smirk and hang up. "Same old boys." I murmur before standing up and walking the rest of the way to my house. I'd like to look better than I do now once they get here.

I look in the mirror after getting out of a hot shower. My blonde hair is look very dull. After sitting around for thirty minutes and then getting back in the shower I have nice vibrant teal hair. "Much better." I say nodding. I don't have to worry about waiting for it to dry to do anything, I wear it in it's natural waves. I pull on some black skinny jeans, a Misift's shirt, and my leather jacket, paired with my black converse. After putting on some makeup real fast I'm ready to go. Just in time too. I get a text from an unknown number

We finally made it. Meet at Bed and Breakfast in ten? -J

Since it's an unknown number, and I have Jake's saved, I know it's Jinxx.

Sounds good!

I write back smiling. I grab my purse and car keys and head out.


"I haven't seen you in so long!" Jake says as he wraps his arms around me and picks me up off the ground, I laugh. "I know! It's been forever!" I say looking down at him, because he has me held up so high. "Hey, share the hugs." I hear Jinxx behind me. Jake sets me down and I turn to him and hug him. "It's been waaaay too long." He says with a nod. "I couldn't agree more." I say looking up at him. They were in their normal dark skinny jeans and band shirts. You could tell they had both straightened their hair, but it was kinda messy from getting restless on the bus. "Where are the other guys?" I ask, realizing it's just Jake and Jinxx. "Andy's taking a shower. CC and Ashley are getting changed." Jake answers. "We're taking you out once they're done." Jinxx adds. Oh boy, out with an entire rock band, tonight could get interesting. "We need to fix our hair and crap. Come on." Jake says taking my hand and pulling me into the hotel lobby, followed behind by Jinxx.

We went to Jinxx's room, because Jake had already trashed his somehow, so they could fix their hair. Jinxx went into the bathroom and got started on his. "So Hail, any lucky guy in the picture?" Jake asks me while fiddling with the tv. "Not at the moment." I say sitting on the edge of a king sized bed. "Why's that?" He asks sitting next to me. "Right guy hasn't come along yet." I say with a shrug. He gets off the subject and takes a strand of my hair in his fingers. "I'm loving the color." He says with a nod. I smile, "Thanks!" "It fits you quite well." He says smiling back.

Jinxx finishes his hair, and I notice eyeliner, and Jake goes to do his. Finally we make it out to the lobby where we wait for the other three. Andy comes down first. I hadn't ever met him. "Hi there." He says waving at me. I smirk and wave back. "Hi." "I'm Andy." He says sliding his phone into his black pocket. "Hail." I answer as Jake and Jinxx determine where all we're going to go tonight. Ashley exits the elevator with CC behind him. "Good to meet you again." Ashley says smiling at me. "Ha, you too." I say smiling back, knowing very well neither of us remember that night. "Hi!" CC says hugging me. I knew he was a hugger. "Hi!" I say as he releases me, laughing. They all seemed fun.

We decide to go to a club. I don't club often. I drink though, so I should do just fine. A few hours later we're all buzzed. Not entirely drunk yet, which is surprising. I'm sitting at the bar watching Ashley hit on some blond chick shaking my head. He sure does like the playboy bunny type. Jake and Jinxx have excused themselves to go outside for a smoke, and CC's dancing with some redhead. I was surprised Andy wasn't outside smoking as well, but I found him sitting next to me. "You don't come places like this often do you?" He asks me. Was it that obvious? "Nah, not really. Don't have anyone to come with." I say looking at him with a shrug. "Then clearly no one knows how to show you a good time." He remarks. I find myself nodding. I haven't been on many dates, but this is honestly the most fun I've had out with a guy before, and it wasn't even a date, and there was five of them. "No not really." I answer him with a chuckle. "Wanna dance?" He asks me. I'm a little taken aback, "Yeah..." I say smiling a little, then he pulls me out onto the dance floor.


I wake up with a pounding headache. "Ugh." I say sitting up in my bed....wait, this isn't my bed. Where am I? I look around and realize I'm in a hotel room. But who's? I see a leather jacket thrown over a chair and make out The Mourner printed on the back. Crap, who was The Mourner? Jinxx or Jake? I guess it didn't really matter. I laid back down and rubbed my temples. A few minutes later I heard a door open and close. "Ah, she lives." I hear Jake joke. "What time is it?" I say with a moan. "Only 10. You didn't sleep that awful long. Would you like some headache medicine?" He asks walking over next to me. "Oh please." I say opening my eyes, he chuckles and hands me some Motrin.

"So what are you guy's plans for today?" I ask drying my wet head. Motrin and a hot shower, the best two things for a hangover in my book. "We have a show later, you're coming right?" Jake asks glancing up from his laptop. I nod. "Yep, bought my ticket months ago." He shakes his head, "Then you're getting a full refund. You aren't paying to see us, you'll be back stage anyway." He says nodding. "I will?" I ask sitting across from him at the small table. "Of course." He says looking at with me a smirk. "Anyway, we don't have any real plans today, just figured we'd relax and hang out with you. Did you have fun last night? Like the other guys alright?" He asks looking back at his laptop. "Oh yeah, it was a blast. And yeah! They seem really cool." He looks back at me with a smirk. 'What?" I ask raising an eyebrow. "I saw you dancing with Andy." He says still smirking. "Oh. That was nothing." I say shaking my head. "I didn't say it was anything, but you kinda just did." He says standing up with a wink. "Coffee?" He asks heading for the door. "Yeah, sounds good." I mumble. I didn't say me and Andy dancing was something, did I? We were drunk....just danced...I shake my head and wait for Jake to get back with coffee.


Okay, so I have a lot of plans for this story, but I need comments and votes, encouragement, to keep writing. You know what to do!:)

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