Like magnets

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Andy's POV

We had been in the U.K. for two days now and I had already realized I was going to have a hard time avoiding Hail. I didn't want to avoid her. I really didn't. It just seemed to be the best option. The thing was, she made herself so hard to avoid. She was so caring of other people and fun too be around it was like you were drawn to her. Like magnets. It put me at ease a bit knowing I wasn't the only one though. Everyone was around her, or like my situation, wished they were around her, constantly. Jake of course. He was her bestfriend after all. She roomed with him and Ella at the hotel we had stayed at, I expected that would be usual. She'd either room with him or Ashley. Her and Ashley had become instant friends. They acted like they had known each other for years. CC and her bickered like siblings, but were inseparable. Then there was me. I think I was hurting her feelings a little by avoiding her, because I think she caught on. I'd just have to get over it and control my feelings while around her. Ha. Easier said than done...

"Hey!" She said skipping over to where I was sitting under a big tree on a bench. "Hey." I said giving her a little half smile. We were across the street from our hotel at a little park. "I thought you were going shopping or sight seeing or whatever it is you girls do with Ella?" I asked as she sat next to me. Her and Ella already acted like sisters. It was something about Hail that could cause people to fall in love with her in seconds. In a friend way of course....for some of us. "We are, she had to go back to her room for something, I saw you sitting over here so thought I'd join you for a few minutes." She said looking up at the tree limbs hovering over us. "Do you like it here so far?" I asked watching her. She nodded as a smile spread across her face. "I love it." She said looking at me as I matched her smile, and smiled even bigger. We just sat there for a few seconds in a comfortable silence, I liked her presence. Naturally it had to end right after it had started when Ella came walking over to us. "Ready to go?" She asked in Hail. Hail nodded and stood up. "Talk to you later, Andy." She said giving me one last smile before walking off to enjoy her day. I needed to claim her for a day soon. Just to hang out and get to know her better.

I made it back to the room I was sharing with Ashley, I had nothing better to do, and flopped onto my bed. "We should do something." Ashley says from his upside down position on his own bed. "I'm so bored." He adds pressing buttons on the xbox controller he was holding. "You're playing a video game. That should be enough entertainment." I said closing my eyes. "It's not though." I hear him say sighing. "Take CC to a bar or something. I'm tired." I mumble rolling over. "I already tried that." He says as I hear him stand up, "I'll go bother Jinxx or something." I hear before I hear the door open and close. Pretty soon I fall asleep, only to be woken by the knock on the door.

"Come in." I mumble rubbing my eyes. "Not watching the time I see." I hear Jake's voice say from the door. "Shit. Show's in...?" I ask sitting up and looking at him. "An hour." He replies walking in all the way and closing the door behind him. "Shit!" I said jumping up to get ready. My makeup alone usually takes an hour. "I'm limiting you to one smoke break." He says with a chuckle. Usually I take like four smoke breaks...I'm a.d.d., what can I say? "I hate you, but that's probably a good idea." I say sighing and heading to the bathroom to get started. "So, how's the whole Hail thing going?" He asks slowly while messing around with a magazine or something like that Ashley had left on the coffee table. "Fine. I'm her friend. Is that allowed?" I ask with a sigh. I knew he didn't like the idea of me liking her in that way, but IF anything went that way, I didn't plan on hurting her. He rolled his eyes. "Yes Andrew." He says before walking back towards the door. "Be ready on time!" He says before leaving. Oh well, at least I can have more than one smoke break now.

I ended up going about thirty minutes over on getting ready, but that was okay, the show started in an hour, we didn't go on for a couple still. There was multiple opening acts. I was sitting backstage with Ashley now. Jake and Jinxx were off who knows where with Ella and Hail and CC was off flirting with some girls. "If you don't make a move she'll end up with Jinxx." He says out of nowhere. "I'm not picking sides, just sayin." He adds nodding. "He probably has a better chance with her than I do anyway." I say shrugging. For all I knew they were already a thing. I was hardly around her. We talked a little more and then headed to the stage.


I was walking back into the hotel many hours later after going to a bar with CC and Ashley. They were both very drunk, but were still out. At the bar. Probably trying to hook up with chicks. Typical CC and Ashley right. I was looking down at my phone, realizing it was around three in the morning, when I bumped into someone. "Oh I'm sorry." I said picking up the phone I had dropped. "It's okay." I heard her say with a chuckle. "What are you doing awake at three in the morning?" I asked with a smirk realizing it was Hail. "Couldn't sleep." She said with a shrug. "So I've just been walking around." She adds nodding. "I like to walk. And I talk a lot when I'm tired, I'm sorry." She said chuckling. "No it's fine." I said smirking. "I like to walk too." I added chuckling with her. "We should walk sometime!" She says rubbing her eyes. "I'm sorry, I get weird." She says shaking her head. "No it's fine, we should." I add smiling at her. "I need to go work on the hang over I'm already developing though. So goodnight." I said sliding past her. "Night Andy." She says smiling, then skips away. "We're gonna go for a walk soon!" I yell to her as she  nods with a smile. I shake my head with a chuckle and go to my empty room.


Merp okay. So I had to post this to feel productive after sitting on youtube for four hours. No joke. ANYWAY. I already have a plan, but I wanna know who YOU GUYS want Hail or think Hail will be with?

Andy or Jinxx?

Or neither?

And who will they end up with if not her?




Seriously answer me this.

k bai loves. I'm weird and sick at the moment so don't mind me or this strange update.....

andy or jinxx.?;)

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