Sammi says hi

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Jinxx's POV

I heard my phone go off while I sighed. I already knew I was late, them reminding me wasn't going to help anything. "I have to go." I said, looking at the blonde haired girl I used to be head over heels for sitting across from me at the table in the little coffee shop the rain had driven us too. "They're freaking out, and I don't blame them. Jake probably had to do my sound check..." I said sighing again. I was gonna hear about this.

"Don't worry about it." She said with a sigh. "It was really good catching up." She said, smiling faintly. "Tell the guys I said hey." She said standing up and grabbing her coat. I nodded with a smile. "Bye Jinxx, it really was nice seeing you again."

"You too, Sammi." I responded giving her a hug. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss her. She wasn't just my girlfriend for over a year, she was my bestfriend. Losing all contact with her was probably worse than the break up. I didn't think she'd just disappear from my life a few months after we called it quits. "Keep in touch." I added before she nodded, smiling and walking away. I walked the other direction and outside in the cold wet air. Walking there wouldn't be smart, so I waved my hand to catch a cab.

"You're late!' Ashley snapped as I walked through the venue door. "We almost let the kids in for the meet and greet without you." He said shaking his head at me. Andy was already behind the table, looking down at his phone paying no attention to anything that was going on around him. CC was also back there, doodling who knows what on a random sheet of paper. Most likely it was something inappropriate, knowing CC.

"Sammi says hi by the way." I say as Jake walks over to where me and Ashley are standing. I'm not sure where Hail and Ella are. Maybe out in front of the stage or at the merch tables. They like to hang out there sometimes. Says they have fun talking to the fans.

"Oh yeah, how'd that go?" Jake asks while tuning his guitar. I feel a little guilty, he's probably been messing with mine. It was always very out of tune and took longer to prepare before the shows more than most of the instruments.

"It went well." I said nodding. I didn't really want to talk about it right now though, no matter how nicely it went, it was still hard seeing her after so long, knowing everything was different now. Different and awkward. "Let's get this show on the road." I said clapping my hands and walking over to the table.

We spent the next thirty or forty minutes meeting all the fans who had the VIP tickets. I missed the days when we could meet them all, but we just had such big crowds now it wasn't possible. "Jinxx!" I heard CC yell in my ear. I jumped a little and looked towards him, raising an eyebrow. "You zoned out. Again." He said with a head shake. "Come on, we gotta get ready to play." I forgot we didn't have an opener tonight so we went straight on.

"What a show." Andy said tiredly as we all walked off stage. It was that indeed. I was exhausted. The fans were great though. "I'm gonna crash early. See you guys tomorrow." He said stretching his arms and walking towards the door. We got to stay in the hotel again tonight before we left bright and early tomorrow morning.

"Yeah, I'm gonna crash too." I said to CC and Ashley, Jake had already gone off to find Ella, they had plans tonight. CC and Ashley would probably party until the early hours of the morning. I walked outside and let out a sigh into the breeze. It felt fantastic.

"Haven't seen you much today." Hail said by my side. I jumped a little, not knowing she had joined me. "Sorry." She said chuckling. "Didn't mean to scare you."

"Nah it's fine." I said smirking at her. "Yeah, I was off with a old friend." I answered with a nod, as we started to walk. "How was your day?" I asked looking down at her. She hadn't been in her room this morning, that's why I ended up in her bed. I realized CC was gone, so I went looking to see what Jake was up to. Then she never ended up coming back, not before I left at least.

"It was great." She said nodding. "Hung out with CC. Ate junk food, watched a bunch of stupid movies which I would not recommended, played video games." Sounds like they had a fun day. "Well, beat him at video games." She added with a laugh.

"You beat CC?" I asked, looking at her with a grin. She nodded, laughing again. "No one ever beats him! Was it a racing game?" There was no way it could have been, that's what he was best at. She must be a freaking awesome gamer to have beaten CC.

"It was indeed." She said grinning. "Anyway, are you going to the club with CC and Ashley?" She asked looking up at me while I shook my head. "Oh, I was gonna, but I just kinda wanna watch a  movie now."

"Bring one to my room, I have snacks." I said raising my eyebrows up and down.

"No you don't, we ate your snacks." She said laughing.

"Well then. I will get snacks." I said laughing with her. "Meet me there in about thirty minutes?" I asked and she nodded, so we headed off in different directions, in search of snack places and movie places.

 I was sitting on the edge of the bed scrolling through my Twitter feed while I waited for Hail to get back with a movie. I had taken an extremely quick shower and thrown on some pajamas after I went and bought fifteen dollars worth of candy and chips at a dollar store. They don't call it that here, but whatever. I had only been sitting there a few minutes when she walked in with wet hair and also in pj's, so she had the same idea as me.

"Got snacks?" She asked as I pointed to the bulging bag sitting on the other bed. Her eyes grew a little wide while I smirked. "Damn, you know how to shop."  She said with a chuckle. "I got a horror movie, hope that's okay." She said grabbing the bag and then joining me on the bed.

"Uhm, hell yes that's okay." I said with a chuckle. "I fuckin' love horror movies." I added taking the dvd from her and getting up to put it in. I turned the lights off and climbed back into the bed next to her. She had already opened the gummy worms, they had always been her favorite.

About halfway through the movie I saw my phone light up next to me. It was a text from Sammi, which made me smile, but at the same time feel really guilty. I still had feelings for her, it wasn't hard to figure that out. I also had feeling for Hail though.

Hey, I'm not sure if you're still awake or not, couldn't sleep and thought we could talk if you are.:)x-Sammi

I sighed and locked my phone again. She'd just think I was asleep since I wasn't texting her back. I was enjoying my time with Hail, who was cuddled up to my side. "Everything okay?" She asked, popping a chocolate covered raisin into her mouth. She must have felt me sigh.

"Yep, everything's great." I said smiling again, this one was a little forced though. I really needed to figure this stuff out. I didn't know if I was, but I definitely didn't want to lead them both on. That would be bad. She relaxed again and fell asleep. It felt right having her next to me, but it also felt extremely wrong. Part of me wishes it was Sammi, and that makes me feel like a bad person. I sighed and shortly fell asleep as well. Only to be awoken by a drunken CC coming in the room.

"Could you be any louder? She's asleep." I snapped as he started to turn the lamp on. "Do not turn that light on CC." I grumbled as he shook his head and collapsed on the other bed.

"I bet you're on cloud nine over there." He murmured rolling over. I snorted. If only he knew what a war I was having inside my head. I gave a simple, 'totally' back and heard him grumble again. Now what was his problem? He was usually a cheerful drunk.


A/N: I feel like this is a very unexciting story but I'm not sorry. It's strictly a love story so yeah. Hope you guys like it, and aren't let down by the update. They should come much more often now. Feeeeedbackkkk.<3

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