Miles Away

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Hail's POV

I don't know what Andy's problem is, I keep trying to talk to him with no avail. He just doesn't want to talk. I don't know what it is I did wrong. Oh well, it doesn't really matter, they'll be leaving tonight and I might not even see him for a year. Who knows. CC's playing with a camera and keeps taking picture of me, which include Jake and Jinxx. "Why are you doing this to me?' I ask him with a laugh. I hate pictures. "I'm learning how to use the camera." He says nodding. "You two, kiss her cheeks." He adds as I sigh. Jake and Jinxx kiss either cheek while I raise an eyebrow and CC takes the picture. "Adorable." He says nodding. "Might I ask why you have a camera with you in the first place?" I ask with a head shake...although, I didn't mind Jinxx kissing my cheek. He just shrugs and takes a picture of an annoyed looking Andy.

Once we've finished dinner Jake nudges me. "So, we had an idea." He starts as everyone's attention is focused on me. Even Andy's. What in the world could this be about? "And what's that..?" I ask hesitantly. "Well, you want to go to the U.K." Jinxx says from my other side. "Yeah..." They can't be... "SO, we were wonderinggggg." CC says raising his eyebrows up and down. "If you'll come with us!" Ashley finishes excitedly. They are. They're inviting me to go to the U.K. with them. I can't say no, but what about all this Jinxx and Andy stuff? What am I saying, I can't let boy drama get in the way with this chance. Looking over at Andy I see he's still waiting for my answer like the rest of them. He's seemed to have a problem with me all night, does he want me to come? They wouldn't invite me if he didn't, right? Oh well. "Uhm....okay." I say with a nervous laugh. CC, Ashley and Jake all cheer. Jinxx just smiles that goddamn smile at me, and Andy keeps watching me.

They tell me to be in L.A. in three days to get on a plane and head to England with them. Then we part ways and I head home. I'd need to pack! I get home and start going through all my clothes, realizing I have a lot I no longer want at all, so I put everything in a heap and sort three piles. Packing, putting away, giving away. The putting away pile ends up to be very small. Packing a good size, giving away, huge. I hang everything up in my closet. Fold everything up and put it in my suitcase. Then box everything up and put it by my door. I make a list of things I need to pick up, like more hair dye, because I know this won't last too long. Then I need to try to get some sleep, I doubt I'll be getting a lot of it once I'm with the guys. I check my phone before dozing off and read the text I have from Jinxx.

I'm glad you're cooming.:) -J

I smile to myself. I'm tempted to give up on trying not to like him, he's making it so hard.

Me too.(: -H

I type back before plugging my phone in and trying to go to sleep. Go to sleep? I was far to exctied for that. I finally put music on, Memphis May Fire, to be precise, and fell asleep before Miles Away, the first song on my play list, could finish.

Jinxx and Andy were both in my dreams. I never had dreams, but I did tonight. I really liked them. Both of them. Ugh, I needed to just forget about Andy. He clearly didn't feel the same way. I didn't know what to do about Jinxx yet, but I didn't want to stop liking him...

I woke up to my phone ringing off the hook. I checked the number and saw Ashley's picture id. "Hello?" I said yawning.

"Hey beautiful!" I heard on the other end. I chuckled.

"Hey Ash, what's up?"I ask rubbing my eyes and getting up to start the last day here. I had to be at the airport in the middle of the night to get to L.A. tomorrow.

"Just called to chat. Bored out of my mind. Waiting on these lazy asses to finish their make up." He replies.

I smirk, "I'm not having second thoughts Ashley." I say, knowing that's the real reason he's calling.

"Well good! I'll let you go finish packing then! Pack some sexy dresses, we go nice places sometimes." I laugh and tell him I'll be sure to bring some 'sexy dresses' and hang up. This is going to be a fun trip.


"Flight 76 to Los Angles now boarding." I heard through out the airport. That was my flight. I yawned and picked up my carry on, going to get on the plane. It was four a.m.. I did not want to be awake. Luckily I fell asleep during the flight.

I walk out and squint at the bright light in the airport. It's 9 a.m. now here in L.A.. I look around for Ashley or Jake. Jake said one of them would be here to get me, but I don't see anyone. I keep looking around the the spiked black hair, not seeing anyone familiar. "Shh." I hear in my ear and jump a little. But I notice the knuckle tattoo's on the hand that's on my shoulder. Ashley's. I turn around and notice he's got on a beanie, a hood, and sunglasses. I guess they're better known around here."Hiding?" I ask him with a smirk. He nods with a chuckle. "Come on." He says picking up my suitcase and walking outside with me to his car. When we get in he takes off the beanie and the jacket. "There's that spiked hair I was looking for." I say with a chuckle while ruffling the top of his head. "Between my disguise and you it won't be spiked much longer." He says trying to look serious, but failing as we both start laughing. This would be a fun trip, even if I did have problems with these crushes on Andy and Jinxx, I had Jake and Ashley to keep me occupied.

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