Two of us?

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Andy's POV

I was laying in my bunk waiting to see what we were doing today. I figured at least Jake and Jinx would be hanging out with Hail again. I wondered if they'd let me tag along...Jake wasn't happy about my interest in her, but I couldn't help it. She was really fucking cool. I sighed and closed my eyes, I felt a headache coming on. I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to CC shaking me. "Wake. Up. You've been asleep for like two hours. I'm going to the bar if you want to join." He said as I rubbed my eyes. "Yeah, bar sounds good." I say nodding with a yawn. "Good, let's get going. I think we're all meeting up with Hail later this evening. Jake told us not to get too drunk." He said as I climbed down from my bunk. "Where are the other's at?" I ask pulling on my Batman converse. "Jinxx and Ash went shopping, I think Jake's already with Hail." I nod, "Ah." I say as we exit the bus. "Fuck it's cold." I say pulling my jacket the rest of the way on. "It is February..." CC says smirking at me. "I'm used to freaking L.A. weather." I mumble as he nods with another smirk and we walk to the bar. Apparently Jinxx and Ashley had taken our rental car.

"So, you've got a thing for Hail huh?" CC asks as I take a drink of my beer. "Where'd you get that from?" I mumble looking at the glass in front of me. "It's going around. I'm pretty sure we all know by now." He replies nodding. "Lovely." I mutter. "Yeah, she's cool." I say looking over at him. He doesn't really say anything so I raise my eyebrow. "What is it CC?" I ask resting my elbow on the bar counter. He just shakes his head. "Come on, spill." He still refuses. Ah well, a few more drinks and I'll have him talking, I hope...I'd really like to know what it is he knows. "So, CC..." I start after he's finished about his fourth drink. "Hm?" He asks looking over at me lazily. He was definitely close enough to drunk. "Hail, whatcha know about her?" He shrugs. "Just that two of you guys have a thing for her." Two of us? Who else is into Hail? "Who CC?" I ask looking over at him. "Well you." I nod. "Yes, and...?" He sighs. "Jinxx." Jinxx? Fuck. There go my chances. She's know him almost her whole life. Wait. That might work for me...maybe she thinks of him as brother figure, the way Jake thinks of her as a sister. But what if she doesn't? What am I thinking? She probably doesn't like either other of us that way. I need to just forget about it and focus on the tour. "Come on, we need to get back to the bus and sober up." I had to admit, CC wasn't the only buzzed one.

"I'm gonna get some sleep before later..." He says as we walk into the big tour bus. I nod as he heads off towards his bunk. I probably should do the same, but I've already slept a lot today, so I decide to get on Twitter. I find Hail's account through a recent tweet of Jake's, and follow her. It doesn't look like she's on very often though. Her latest tweet, other than the one she must have tweeted when we got into town about seeing Jinxx and Jake again, was a few weeks ago. I yawn and choose to go to Instagram instead. I hadn't posted on there in a while. I take a shot of myself running my hands through my hair and caption it talking about how great the crowd was at last night's show, and hash tag something about being hungover before five p.m.. Life of a rock star. I add in my head before scrolling through my feed. Looks like Jinxx has been slacking on his too, and no one had posted on the band account in a while, so I go find a nice live pic taken by a fan and post it on there, talking about the next show tomorrow. I look at the time and realize I'd been caught up on my phone for about two hours, and needed to wake CC up.

"I need an aspirin." He mumbles rolling over in his bed. "I'll get you some, just get up." I say walking into the kitchen to find some hang over meds for the drunk drummer. "So, do you remember the conversation we had earlier?" I ask, not being able to push it out of my mind. "About?" He asks sitting down at the table. His bed head was pretty insane. I sneak a picture of it for a future Instagram post and tell him about what we talked about while at the bar. "Crap, don't tell Jinxx I told you. I was supposed to keep it quiet...." He says with a sigh. "No worries. I'll just forget about it...all of it. If possible." I say realizing he's very caught up on his phone. "That might be harder than you think..." He says looking up at me and showing me his phone. "He's inviting her to come to London with us?!" I say pulling at my hair. "IF we're all cool with it..." CC says setting his phone down next to him. "Well you know Jinxx will be. Ashley seems to enjoy her being around, you get along with her. I don't really want to come off as a a dick...and I want her to's just..." I say plopping down next to him. "You don't want to cause drama." CC says yawning. I nod. "I just won't let myself fall for her anymore...tell him we're down with it." I say as CC hits reply to Jake.


I look in the mirror and sigh. My hair just wasn't working. Finally I decide to just throw on a beanie and give up on it. We're meeting the rest of the guys at the restaurant, where we'll be asking Hail to join us in the U.K. I sigh again, I'm still not sure about this idea. I guess I'll just try to shut it all out if I feel myself falling for her more. I hear CC knock on the bathroom door and ask me if I'm ready to head out. We still have to walk, because Ashley and Jinxx have had the car doing who knows what all day. "Yeah, I'll be there in a sec." I say taking a picture for Twitter, and walking toward the door while messing with the caption. "A beanie?" CC asks when I open the door. "My hair's a nightmare." I say shaking my head. We all end up in beanie's on our days off, I swear. CC had one on all day, but had fixed his hair a little while ago, and I guaranteed Ashley's had a hood on all day, and Jake probably also a beanie. Jinxx too. I open the door, letting the cold air come in while stepping out onto the hotel parking lot. I guessed they were keeping the bus parked here until we left tonight.

After about fifteen minutes of walking we reached the restaurant and found Jinxx and Ashley leaning on the rental outside. "Bad hair day too?" Jinxx asked nodding towards my beanie, he was, as I had predicted, also in one. And there was Ash's hood. "Isn't it always?" I ask with a chuckle. We stand around outside talking for a few more minutes before Hail and Jake pull in. She's got her hair in a messy bun, wearing a grey AC/DC shirt, and some black skinny jeans that matched the font on the shirt. Even with her hair a mess she was stunning. I shake the thought from my head and walk towards the door, opening it for everyone to walk in. I'm seated between Ashley and CC at the round table. Ashley's next to Jake, who's next to Hail, who has Jinxx in between her and CC. Everyone seems to be talking to her about something or another, I just focus on the menu. She asks me a few questions every now and then, trying to pull me into the conversation, I give a short answer and go back to focusing on my own thoughts rather than her. This was going to be a long tour...

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