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The sun shining through the window was giving me a massive headache. Or should I say adding on, to my already massive headache. I hate being hung over. As I walk across the room to close the curtains I hear a knock on the door. Jake wouldn't knock, it's his room. "Who is it?" I ask with a yawn. "Jinxx." His smooth voice replies. I walk back over towards the door and open it with a smile. "Morning." I say letting him in. "Good morning." He says smiling. "You look good for having been drunk." He comments. "So do you." I say sitting back in my chair. "I'm used to it." He says with a chuckle. "I look a lot better than I feel." I admit rubbing my eyes. I hadn't intended on ending up staying the night anywhere, so I was in the jeans I had worn the night before, and Jake's Jack Daniel's shirt. "Headache?" Jinxx asks. I nod with a sigh. "Did you take anything for it?" I point at the Motrin. "That crap doesn't do a thing." He says walking out of the room and coming back in a few minutes later, with real migraine relief stuff. That's what I'm used to taking. "Ah, Jinxx you're a life saver." I say taking the bottle from him with a smile. He smiles back. I've never really noticed how nice his smile is...and his eyes...and his lips. I shake my head, it must still be the alcohol thinking, I convince myself of this. I realize he's looking at me with an eyebrow raised. "What?" I ask, wondering how odd I must have looked through all that. He shook his head. "Where's Jake?" He asks me. "Went to get coffee." I reply yawning again. I definitely needed it. "Why don't you take a nap, you want to be well rested for the show later." He suggests, "So I can watch you kill it on that guitar." I say smiling. "Welllll." He says smiling back. "Alright, I'll take a nap." I say stretching and walking over to the bed I had woken up in this morning. He looked like he was about to say something but stopped himself. "What?" I asked pulling the blanket over my body. "Nothing, sleep tight, Hail." He says smiling gently at me again before leaving. All my thoughts about Andy had escaped me, now I couldn't fall asleep, because The thoughts of Jinxx were swirling around in my head. What was I getting myself into?

I woke up to someone poking me. "Yes, Ashley?" I ask rolling over and looking at him with a smirk. "I was sent to wake you up." He says nodding with a smile. "I'm up." I say yawning. "We figured you might want to run by your place and get changed before the show." I nod, "Sounds good." I say sitting up. My headache comes rushing back to me. "Ohh..." I say holding my head in my hands. "And this is why I'll be driving." Ashley says smirking at me. "Ashley, you were drunker than I was." I say looking at him. "True, but I handle hang overs so often I'm used to them." He says with a shrug. "Come on. Let's go." I get up and follow him out the door and through the lobby to my car.

After giving him directions I leaned back in my seat closing my eyes. I needed to remember to grab my sunglasses at the house too. I opened my eyes and glance at the clock when I realize I have no idea how long my nap had been. "It's already three?!" I slept through the entire day...Ashley nods, "Yeah, you must have been reeeeally hung over." I never even got my coffee. I sigh leaning back again. "What time do you guys have to be at the venue?" I ask placing my fingers on the bridge of my nose. "Around five." He says pulling into my drive way, I invite him in and go and take another shower. When I get out I pull on my split leg skinny jeans, one side was white, one side was checkered, and my white bvb tank top. Winter's not tank top weather, I know, but I also know how hot it is at concerts. I pull my red bones Anthem Made sweater on over it and walk out of the bathroom and into my bedroom. Where I find Ashley sitting on my bed flipping through a picture album. "Which one is that?" I ask nodding towards him while I towel dry my hair. "One of you Jake and Jinxx in Kindergarten." He replies, sounding quite amused. "Never tell them I let you see that." I say with a laugh. "Don't worry. I don't want them to know...I took picture's of some, great blackmail." He says winking at me. "Oh great." I say with a laugh." I walk over to my bedroom mirror and put on my makeup, and a small black bow in my hair, while grabbing my leather jacket. "Well, I'm ready to go if you are." I say sitting next to Ashley and pulling my boots on while resting my sunglasses on my head. We leave shortly after.

"So where are you guys headed next?" I ask on the way to starbucks. I had mentioned never getting my coffee, so Ashley decided to fix that. "We'll be here for a couple more days, taking a break, after that we play in New York, then we head to London." I raise my eyebrows. "London? That's awesome!" I say looking over at him. "Yeah, we're all pretty excited." He says smiling over at me. "Isn't Jake dating a model from London?" He nods, "Ella. Yep, she'll be touring with us once we get there. He's pretty pumped." I chuckle, "I bet." I say looking back out the window. "So, were you and Jinxx ever a thing?" He asks, surprising me. "What? No. Why?" I say looking back at him. He shrugs with a smirk. "Just a vibe I got..." He says looking ahead again. I shake my head at him. "Is it that far fetched?" He defends looking back to me. "We were child hood best friends, nothing more." I say looking back with an eyebrow raised. "And you expect me to believe you never hooked up?" "Ashley!" I say, with my mouth dropped. "I'm just asking!" I hit his arm and looked back out the window. "No, Ashley, we never hooked up." I said with air quotes. He rolled his eyes with a smirk, clearly still not believing me. Did we act like we...had? I shook my head and turned up the radio. Hoping this conversation wouldn't be mentioned again.


I looked around for a clock on the wall, finally finding one, it read six p.m.. I had been backstage for an hour already, it felt more like ten minutes. The guys were busy doing their make up, so I decided to go watch one of them. I came across CC first, "Care if I join you?" I ask, walking into his dressing room type area. "Course not!" He says grinning. He's started on his makeup, but hasn't done much. "CC, you've been back here almost an hour. How do you just have outline's of your tear drops, and eye liner on?" I ask smirking at him. "This is the third time I've done the outlines." He says nodding. Andy speaks up from the door way, I hadn't know he was standing there, "CC's a bit of a perfectionist." CC shrugs. "I don't think I'll ever be happy with my makeup." He says looking at me with a sigh. I laugh at Andy's facepalm. "And where's your makeup Biersack?" I ask raising my eyebrows at him. "Jake stole my eyeliner." He says with a sigh. "Ah, you poor thing." CC says with a snort. I start laughing again. They bickered like brother's, which I guess in their eyes, they were. Jinxx walked into view, "Jake said he's done with his make up, and you can come do yours." He says walking past Andy and into the room. Andy nods, "Catch up with ya later." He says to me before walking off to where ever Jake and his makeup were at. Jinxx sat down next to CC and started to draw on his diamond. "You're the only two who stuck with your original makeup's, huh?" I ask watching them draw. "Pretty much." CC says nodding. "Jinxx actually stopped the diamonds at one point." He said glancing over to him. "Oh yeah, you went to stripes." I say with a nod. "Yeah, but stripes and diamonds were always my things so." Jinxx said shrugging. "That's true." I say nodding. "I have a nickname for you!" CC says turning his attention to me. "...What is it?" I ask, not knowing what to expect. "Smurf." He says nodding. I chuckle. I actually somewhat liked it. It was catchy. "Smurf." Jinxx repeated. "I'm totally using that now." He says grinning at me. The thoughts of his smile and lips and such came back to my mind. I was completely sober now though. Nothing to blame them on. I shake my head and smile back. "Of course you are." I say standing up. "I'm gonna go see how Jake and Andy are doing." I say nodding before walking out.

What was wrong with me? I had never had thoughts about Jinxx like this before. Maybe that's the vibes Ashley was picking up. But they were all coming from me...weren't they?

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