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Jinxx's POV

I finished up the diamond over my eye and made sure my hair was right. "So..." I heard CC start. Here we go...I thought with a sigh. "Hm?" I ask looking over at him. "If you two never dated, you totally wish you would have." He says nodding. "And what makes you think that, CC?" I ask raising an eyebrow. "It's obvious you're into her." He says looking back in his mirror, he still hadn't gotten his makeup finished. I just sigh. "Fine, maybe I'm into her a little." I admit looking back at myself in the mirror. How was it obvious? Was it obvious to her...? I sure hoped not. "I knew it." CC said looking back at me. "Just...keep it quiet, okay?" I ask as he stands up. "Sure." He says shrugging before leaving the room. I think about Hail and Andy dancing last night, she seemed to have had a great time. He probably had a better chance with her than I did. I sigh and head towards the side stage to make sure my violin's tuned. The roadie's can't handle that.

"There's just something about her. I dunno." I hear as I start to walk out. I stop behind a curtain and listen. "You were both drunk." That's Jake's voice. "I wasn't that drunk." He's talking quietly, but that's Andy. I hear Jake sigh. "What's wrong with it, Jake?" Andy asks a little louder. "She's like my little sister, and I think of you as a brother. And I know how your relationships tend to work. I don't want to see either of you hurting." Hail, they were talking about Hail. "I didn't say anything about a relationship. I just said she was ya know, cool..." Andy protests. "Which means you have a thing for her, and that'll turn into wanting a relationship." Jake says, I shake my head. I agree with him. Andy's relationships don't ever really work. He'll hurt her in the end. I feel a bit of jealousy now too. I don't just want him to not date her because she'd be hurt...but maybe I want to date her...I sigh and walk back to the lounge area backstage. My violin will just have to wait.

"You okay, man?" Ashley. "Fan fucking tastic." I reply pulling a water bottle out of the mini fridge. "What's up?" He asks looking up from his playboy. "Nothing." I grumble sitting in a chair across from the couch he's on. "Hail." He says, not as a question though...I shrug. "She had a thing for you. It's obvious. I was talking to her earlier." He says nodding. Great. Who knows what kind of crap he said. "Why do you think that?" I ask, enlightening him. He shrugs. "She seems shy about the subject. Usually that's a hint." I just raise my eyebrow. Ashley knows nothing about women, except for the fact that they have boobs, and that if they don't put out he isn't interested. "I have had actual relationships you know." He says, as if he knew what I was thinking. "I overheard Jake and Andy talking." He raises an eyebrow, "Does Jake have a thing for her?! But he's enga-" "No! Jake doesn't have a thing for her, no." I say shaking my head. "Oh...wait, Andy does?" He says raising both eyebrows. "Yep." I say taking a drink of my water. "So you both do." He says looking back at his magazine. "I never said I did." I protest. He raises an eyebrow at me with a head shake, and that's the end of the conversation. "Hey...where is Hail?" I ask realizing she had left to find Jake and Andy, and clearly she was't with them. He shrugs so I go looking for her.

"You still play?" I ask, speaking up from the doorway where I'd been standing for about ten minutes, watching Hail play my violin. She jumped a little. "Sorry...I just wanted-" I shake my head, "It's no problem." I say smiling. "I just didn't know you continued learning." We had taken violin lessons together as kids. She nods. "I didn't, I quit around the time you left...but I picked it back up recently." She says looking over at me. "You're really good." I say, she smiled and looked down. "Sorry again, I should have asked to play it." I shake my head again and walk into the room. "Really, it's okay, I don't care." I say nodding. "It needed tuned anyway." I added smirking. "So I heard you guys are staying in town another day?" She asks handing me the violin. "Yep, we leave tomorrow night." I say sighing, I didn't really want to leave just yet..."And you're heading to London soon, that's awesome." She says standing up and facing me. She was a good bit shorter than me. "You made it there yet?" I ask, remembering she had always wanted to go to London. "Ha, no." She says shaking her head with a laugh. "You will someday. I'm sure of it." I say nodding as she smiles at me. "I really missed you Jinxx." I smile back, "I missed you too."

"Jinxx, you need to get side stage." Jon says walking by the door. I take her hand and pull her along with me. "I really don't have to stand back here..." She starts. Andy cuts her off, "You're staying here Hail." He says smirking at her. She smiles at him. I look out on stage, not really wanting to watch them flirt. I see Ashley sigh, and Jake's giving Andy a dirty look. We're announced before anything can progress and I walk out on stage after CC, with Jake. Andy and Ashley come running out after us. "We're the Black Veil Brides! Are you mother fucker's ready to rock?!" Andy screams out, the crowd goes wild, then the first song of the set starts. To my surprise and delight, Hail isn't focused on Andy the whole time. Maybe his feelings aren't mutual...


I collapse in the hotel bed. The clock reads 3 a.m.. What an after party, I think while rubbing my eyes with a yawn. There's a knock on my door. "Come in." I say sitting up. I'm still in all my sage clothes and makeup. It's Andy I see walk through the door and into the dimly lit room. "Hey.." He says standing at the foot of my bed. "Sup?" I ask rubbing the back of my neck. "Well I..." He starts then sighs. "Did I piss you off or something?" He asks bluntly. I shake my head. "Are you sure? Cause you seem pretty pissed at me for some reason." He says sighing again. "I'm not pissed, Andy. Don't worry, everything's cool." I say looking at him. "Are you sure there's nothing wrong?" I nod. "Everything's cool." I repeat. "Alright...g'night then." He says heading back towards the door. "Night Andy." I say laying back down in my bed. I needed to get over all this. Andy didn't do anything wrong.


"Jinxx! Wake your lazy ass up!" Is what I woke up to, that and a fist pounding on my door. "Jinxx!" Jake says again. I pull myself out of bed and open the door. "What the fuck is wrong?" I mutter walking back towards the bed where I have an energy drink sitting. "We have to checkout in like thirty minutes." Jake says throwing my bad at me along with a few pieces of my clothes that had been lying around. I hadn't even showered last night, and this was the last hotel we'd be in for the next couple of weeks. I hated the shower on the bus. "Shit." I say stuffing some of my stuff into the bag. "Are you ready to go?" I ask Jake. "Yep. So go shower, I'll gather all your crap." He says shaking his head at me. I do as I'm told and finish showering, help gather the rest of my stuff around the room and checkout with five minutes to spare. CC and Andy were already on the bus, but we met Ashley in the lobby. "What are we doing today?" Ashley asked yawning. "I had to wake him up too." Jake muttered shaking his head. I chuckle, "I think we should stock up on food before we leave." I say looking at my watch, it's only 10 in the morning. "I think we're hanging out with Hail again today at some point too." Jake says adjusting his backpack. I nod. Definitely. "Food first. We can cover that, right?" Ashley says looking at me. I nod again, "Yeah, we got that, let's get going."

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