Earth to Jinxx

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Jinxx's POV

I zipped up my bag and look around to make sure I hadn't left anything, since we wouldn't be coming back to this bus until we finished up the Kerrang! tour. "You know, now that I think about and Ashley shouldn't have gone shopping." Andy said walking out of the kitchen with a headshake. I chuckled, "Yeah I thought about that this morning. We got way too much stuff." I say setting my bag by the door. I looked at the time, Ashley should be back with Hail soon. I wondered how this tour was going to go...

"Look who's here!" I heard CC yell walking into the bunk room with Hail in his arms. "Christian, put. me. down." I heard her say, trying not to laugh. He finally set her free and she walked over to where I was laying in my bunk reading a magazine. "Hola." I said smirking up at her. "CC's crazy." She replies with a nod. "You'll get used to him." I reply laughing. "Ahh, Ashley got you here alive." Jake says from his bunk above me. We weren't allowed to leave the bus today, so we were all bored out of our minds. "Barely." Hail says looking up to him with a nod. "He's" She says with a chuckle. "I'm an awesome driver, stop kidding yourselves." Ashley says walking through to get to the bathroom to fix his hair. "More like a scary one." I whisper to where only Jake and Hail could hear. Hail nods dramatically while Jake laughs.

"So, what time's our flight?" She asks sitting in the passenger seat, I had finally convinced Jon I was reliable enough to leave the bus and get back in time to head to the airport. "Five thirty, but we've been ordered to be back by four." I say smirking with an eyeroll. "You guys are late a lot aren't you?" She asks as we pull out of the parking lot. "Pffft..." I say as she gives me an 'I know you're lying' look. "yes. Yes we are." I say sighing. "Doesn't surprise me. You were always late everywhere in highschool." She says matter of factually. "I was not!" "Ha! You were late to every single class, AND the bus, and you were late every morning. You were late to graduation! Jinxx babe, I can't remember a time you WEREN'T late." She says looking over at me laughing. "Well then." I say laughing with her. "Fine, I always was late, I'll always be late." I add sticking my tongue out at her. "Where are we goin?" She asks looking out the window. "Where do you want to go?" I ask raising an eyebrow at her. "Hmmm...doesn't matter to me. You know this place better than I do of course." I nod, I also know she hates cities and busy places. So somewhere like that wouldn't be ideal...I know just the place.

"Can I please open my eyes?" She asks as we keep walking on the soft ground. "No. No you may not." I say shaking my head. My hands are covering them just to make sure she doesn't try to peek. "Where are weeeee?" She asks sighing. "You will seeeeeee." I reply with a chuckle. "Not much farther, I promise." I add as she sighs again. We walk a couple more feet and I move my hands. "Okay, you can open your eyes now." I say walking a little in front of her. We're in an old cemetery, that's up on a mountain, through the trees you can the ocean. I found this place walking around one time and I never really came back, not until now that is. It has flowers off on the sides, but they're wild flowers. No one ever comes up here from the looks of it. "This place is so cool!" She says looking around. Most girls would hate coming to a cemetery, not Hail. She loves cemetery's."I thought you might like it out here." I say walking with her to the spot where the trees split and you could see nothing but water. "I love it!" She says as we sit down on the hill. I check the time before tucking my phone away in my pocket, we have a little less than an hour, but it's better than nothing.

"I can't believe we're going to be late. We were given an early time and everything!" She says as we run down the hill. "We were given an early time because he knew we would be late!" I say with a laugh as we race to the car. I get out on the road and head towards the bus. We wouldn't be that late. But we'd be late. I looked over at her, she was taming her hair into a bun. "It was a really cool place though Jinxx." She says nodding at me with a smile. "Yeah I know." I said smiling. "Thanks for showing it too me." She says looking down. "No problem." I say before we reach the bus. Andy and CC are outside leaning against it smoking. "You're late!" Andy yells as I roll my window down while driving by them to park. Hail flips him off while all four of us laugh. Andy seems normal again, but he's so bi polar that could change soon enough.

"I hate flying." CC said bouncing in his shoes while we waited to go through security. Hail was shaking her head at him while Ashley and Andy were bickering over their iPods. Jake was busy texting, I presume Ella, as much as possible before the flight. You'd think flights would be fun with your four bestfriends, five today, well, you'd be wrong. CC does nothing but panic or sleep, and when he sleeps, he snores. Andy and Ashley find something to argue over every single time we even enter an airport, and Jake either talks your ear off, or taps his foot so much you want to kick him. I probably wasn't a delight while flying either. It wasn't my favorite thing to do...

"Earth to Jinxx." I heard Hail's voice say while Jake poked me. That's what I did, zoned out. "Sorry, what?" I asked shaking my head. "Coffee?" Jake asked, I nodded and he and Hail went off to get coffee. Leaving me with the wrecks. "Why does it matter who produced that?" I over hear Andy say, "Because it matters okay?" Ashley replies sighing. CC's still bouncing. The last thing he needs is coffee, I think as they walk back towards us with six coffees.

"I don't like planes." Hail says shaking her head as we take our seats. "I should have sat you next to CC. You guys could plan your wills together." I said with a nod. She sticks her tongue out at me and looks out the window. I'm next to her on the side. Andy and Ashley are in a middle row together somewhere, and Jake and CC are in the front row on the other side. At least we didn't have to deal with them. "It's worth it though right?" I add smirking. "Uhm, yes!" She says excitedly. I'm happy Jake suggested this. I would miss her if she hadn't come with us.


Shorter than usual, but it's off hold, yayyyy. I bet no one cares.xD Vote if do.

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