Sugar high

546 27 11

Hail's POV

I looked over at the clock, 7 a.m.. Why am I awake at seven in the morning after being up all night? I have no idea. I could hear Jake snoring in the other bed, and the shower was going, so Ella was already awake too, but she always gets up early. Plus, they didn't stay up all night. I moaned and rolled over. His snoring was getting on my nerves quickly. I was going to be a delight today, I could tell now. My phone vibrated, who in the world was awake and texting me this early?

From; CC

Hey Smurf, is that Jake I hear snoring? He sounds like a fucking bear.

I chuckled, CC was in the room right next to us, it's sad Jake can be heard through a wall. I threw a pillow at him while shaking my head. Nothing. He was the heaviest sleeper I had ever known.

To; CC

Yes! He's driving me up a freaking wall! Did he wake you up?

I wrote back while sitting up. I could feel the sun warming the room through the curtains. I checked my Twitter and such while I waited for CC to text back. If he did at all. He probably didn't expect me to be awake and went back to sleep himself. I was surprised when I saw the notification come across the top of my screen telling me I had a text from him.

From; CC

Nah, I rolled over on the remote and the tv came on blasting some pop station. Fml. Jinxx slept through it somehow, and I know Ashley and Andy are still out cold, so meet me in the lobby. I'm bored.

I couldn't help but laugh at the lovely way he woke up this morning. Pop was the worst. I got up and went to my bag, rummaging through looking for something to wear today. After I pulled on some white skinny jeans, and a drop dead t shirt I grabbed Jake's beanie that was laying on the little table and stuck it on my wavy bed head, pushing my bangs up in it. I'd just worry about makeup later since Ella was hogging the bathroom.

"I was summoned?" I asked bouncing up to CC in the lobby a few minutes later. "You were indeed." He said nodding with a smirk. "What do you have planned?" I asked with a yawn. I needed coffee. "Starbucks first." He said grabbing my arm and dragging me out of the hotel, into the cool brisk morning air. "You read my mind Mora." I said as we walked a few blocks to the nearest Starbucks.

 "What else are we doing today?" I asked walking down the sidewalk with my arm looped through CC's like we were in the Wizard of Oz or something. He thought on it for a bit. "Hm, I'm not really sure." He said shrugging, well, as much as he could, only one side could fully shrug, the midget holding down his arm was preventing the other side to do such a thing. "Any ideas?" He asked looking down at me. I shook my head. "Not really, no." I said chuckling. "Food wouldn't be bad." I said nodding. He agreed so we headed off to a bakery. Between the coffee and all the sugary foods we were about to eat, we'd be pretty hyper today no doubt about it.

 After we ate...a the bakery we went to a video store and got a bunch of movies that probably sucked, but our sugar high selves would watch them anyway, and find something funny about them. Back at the hotel, we came to find no one else awake, Jinxx had apparently woken up and gone back to bed because we found him in my room, with a still snoring Jake. Ella was gone, probably off doing her own thing. So we went back to CC's now empty room to watch our movies. After finishing those we played video games. Lots and lots of video games.

"You totally just ran me off the road!" He yelled as I pulled into first place in whatever racing game we were playing. I wasn't sure of the name. "I did indeed. Get over it, you're losing to a girl." I said with a grin as I crossed the finish line. "I can't believe you beat me." He said sitting back against the bed. We had ended up in the floor however long ago. "No one ever beats me." He adds throwing a chip at me. I just shrugged with a laugh. "How long have we been sitting here?" He asked taking a drink of my Red Bull. He had already finished his. I picked up my phone that had been laying next to me and saw the time, I also saw a bunch of texts. 4 from Jake, 3 from Ashley and 1 from Andy..."Um." I said with a laugh. "Four hours." I answered him while opening the texts.

Where are youuuuu?-Jake

Wanna do something today?-Andy



Omg that wasn't supposed to be in caps.-Jake

HAIL. I'm hyper as fuck. Come watch movies or something with me.-Ashley

I'm getting worried now.-Jake

Fine. Guess not. Pffft, sucky new friend I've got.-Ashley

I started laughing at Ashley's and replied saying I was sorry and had just checked my phone. I told Jake where I was, and I didn't bother writing Andy back. For some reason I didn't really feel bad for not writing him back, or for not seeing it earlier.

"I'm surprised Jinxx never came back."  CC noted as put some of his eyeliner on my eyes. We had learned that everyone else was at the venue already, and I was locked out of my room. No makeup? No way. "That is kinda weird." I said nodding. "Eh, he was probably busy with his ex." His ex? That's right! He was dating some photographer a few months back. "What ever happened with them?" I asked sitting on the bed as he finished getting ready. "I don't really know, but she's not over him, that's for sure. And she's in town right now too." I felt a little bit of jealousy at the fact that he could have been off with her for the day. Not as much as I would have thought though.

Why didn't I care about completely blowing off Andy? Yesterday I would have jumped at him wanting to spend time with me, and been upset I missed the chance. and I would have been a jealous mess if Jinxx was where we thought he was all day. Maybe I was slowly getting over them both...? Oh well. I had a good day either way. We walked outside of the hotel and got in a taxi to head to the venue. I loved watching them play, so the day was just going to get better. I should hang out with CC more often.

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