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Jon Sand

Feeling of warmth still on his chest, it felt like a fire burning inside, but not harming but feeling of warmth, the sun kissing his skin, his rich purple eyes adjusted to the sudden light, walking outside, Jon and Aly followed Nym who was wearing a devil smirk on her face.

Their footsteps were as quiet as a snake except for Lady Alyanna who's footsteps were heavy and loud.

Jon saw the smirk his sister was wearing proudly on her face, almost like a mask.

What are you thinking, sister? Jon thought to ask but kept quiet, and Nym always loved to tease since he could remember himself.

The shy little looks she was giving him and Lady Aly walking beside them made Jon smile slightly; the corner of his lips moved up slightly. Lady Aly looked as oblivious as a sheep; her purple eyes looked filled with concern, she might have tried to hide it, but Jon could see right through the way her eyes looked at the ground, he might have met her only yesterday, but his father had made sure each of his children could read any men or women like an open book.

The way her eyes now looked focused on the road ahead made Jon think that she knew but was ignoring the smirk of his sister.

"I have seen you two spend quite a good time with each Other, and not mentioning 'Alone' time," Nym commented quietly and innocently, her voice low and sweet; the smirk grew on her face.

Jon rolled his eyes; he still wasn't of age to be alone with a woman in that way; his father, after the fifth birthday, took him alone in his room.

His father explained the whole mating, the action of love between two lovers; Jon had been confused and even asked his sister about it.

Nym had nodded; Jon had been quiet around women for almost a week but got over it soon.

Jon snorted at the comment; Aly had arrived just yesterday, he just wanted her to have a good time, even father advised him to make sure she didn't get bored, what would people think if he didn't try to entertain his guests.

Aly's head turned to look at her right, her cheeks red, her little body shuttered from her words; Jon just brushed her teasing off, like a fly; he knew his sister well enough to know she loved teasing, especially her siblings.

"We were reading about the castles of Westeros; Aly wanted to know more about Winterfell," Jon said as if trying to make Aly feel better, his voice normal showing that she didn't need to take her teasing seriously.

Jon didn't mention his interest in DragonStone and neither his funny feeling on his chest, the red eyes of the dragon looking at him like a Fire, a Holy Fire from the Seven.

Jon ignored the thought of dragons; she glanced at Lady Aly, whose walking pace was slower and still avoiding them, or me.

If she indeed takes her teasing seriously, she might as well just return to her bedchamber, Jon thought; his eyes glanced at Aly who's head was looking forward now, but one could see a light blush on her cheeks; one could easily mistake it for the light of the sun.

Nym just put the finger on her chin as if she was thinking of what to say before she turned her head slightly back at them.

"Just reading you say, I didn't know reading included sitting close to each other," she pushed on with her teasing, her grinning growing, her tone low and funny, her eyes directed at her little brother. He made a face at her while Aly looked down to her feet in both embarrassment and... something else.

The little Stark couldn't help but feel frightened that she might have given the wrong message to her new friend. I hope he still wants to be my friend...

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