A Wolf

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Eddard Stark

He stood on his horse in front of the gates of Starfall, the sun shining above him; he felt his throat dry like he had eaten fire, his tongue felt like he had brick instead of it. Even if he tried to, he couldn't even spit. While not because he didn't have water to drink and cool his throat and body, they had plenty, but he was a northerner; his father once told him that Northerner meant the People of Snow.

Back then, Ned thought of it because they lived in the North, but now, he could barely endure the heat of the place, let alone when they reached Sun's Spear; he wondered how could people even live there without losing their minds from the heat or just walking around naked all the time. He didn't know how he would endure but decided to think later of it.

Ned had removed most of his clothes, his fully armoured outfit; right now, he wore a simple shirt beneath his skin, the shirt was slightly open around his neck, his sleeves rolled up, he still wore the symbol of House Stark with pride; A necklace that had the Direwolf of his house around his neck.

Ned Stark always told Ashara that he would eventually visit her home together, the way she described it. The castle was close to the mouth of a river he didn't recognise, the young lord was sure that Asha had mentioned the name, but Ned couldn't remember it right now.

Ignoring the heat, the view in front of them was breathtaking; the river almost looked to kiss the castle. The castle itself had high towers, and the highest one kissed the clouds. What Can someone see from the top of that tower? Ned asked himself. Star Fall had nine towers, all of them had yellow and red colours around the roofs; moving his eyes downwards, he saw the gates slowly opening.

Ser Arthur stood in front since his face and sword were recognisable; he had grown a small beard around his jawline and chin. Ned looked at the gates opening with anticipation, hoping to see Ashara waiting for them behind the gates.

When the gates opened, he saw a few men he didn't recognise, his eyes roamed around in desperation to see her, but his eyes didn't find her beautiful hair or her hunting violet eyes. Ser Arthur walked forward, his chest high and his face shining from the light of the sun.

Behind him were Ser Oswell and Ser Gerold, who kept their faces high, showing their armour and swords. Behind them was the woman Wylla, who held Prince Jaehaerys in her arms.

Ned barely had any interactions with the woman, usually asking if there was anything she needed or if Prince Jaehaerys needed help, or if he was unwell.

Behind Wylla was Ned Stark beside him was Howland, who kept a straight face, and to Ned's right were two of his banners.

"Is good to have you back, Lord Dayne; your sister has been worried sick for you", the guard stated, keeping his eyes down and holding a spear on his right hand that he had lowered.

"I believe everything is in order?" Ser Arthur asked with a firm tone; his voice sounded harsher and firm. Nothing like the tone he used with his brothers.

The guard bowed his head in respect before nodding his head; his eyes glanced at the man behind his lord but didn't question their purpose here. It wasn't his job to ask.

"Lady Ashara is better, my lord", the guard stated, and Ned felt his heart skip a bit, Asha? What does he mean? Was she sick? He wanted to ask immediately, and he put his hands on the horse's reins and wanted to walk forward, but Howland put a reassuring hand on his shoulder and looked at him.

Ned looked at him, and he was giving him a look that said, 'To stay put and ask later'. Ned sighed sadly but decided to wait, but he felt his heart beating on his throat; his legs were itching to walk inside the castle and see Asha himself.

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