A Whisper

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Oberyn Martell

It had been a long time since he had seen this place, the last time he had been here was eleven years ago; Rhaegar Targaryen married Elia Martell in a wedding that was remembered to this day; House Martell had been there to celebrate, Oberyn remembered that day better than he wanted, he remembered her smiling to everyone, the way her eyes would look at the prince, the Viper had seen that look before, for the very first time, Elia loved someone as much as Oberyn if not more.

The Viper of Dorne had been happy for his sister; the prince seemed like a good enough man, someone who would love Elia more than anyone else; closing his eyes, Oberyn felt his eyes welling up; the song he had sung for her was still too fresh in his mind, like a wound that just wouldn't close, instead spread its infection everywhere.

Back then, when he had heard that song, one singular thought crossed his mind. This is True Love, he had thought; Oberyn didn't think of himself as someone to fall in love and settle in with a woman, he wasn't that good of a man, he knew that much, he liked to experience things, things that people usually don't; hearing that song back then had relived his heart, his sister married someone who loved her.

That was until The Tourney of Harrenhal when everything changed for the worse; things had started getting worse little by little throughout the years, her sickness worsening her health, the mad king going deeper into the abyss of madness, the birth of Rhaenys Targaryen being way harder than usual, but Harrenhal was when things took a nosedive into a fucking erupting Volcano.

"Father, you alright?" Obara's voice made him escape his sad thoughts; the prince coughed before turning to look at his daughter, who was looking at him with concern.

"Nothing, just memories," he replied with a tone, indicating that he wouldn't say anything else other than that.

After the stupid Greyjoy Rebellion ended, Theon was to be a hostage in Winterfell to make sure his petty father obeyed like a good dog; the prince was glad to hear they had barely lost any soldier in the rebellion; that was mostly to their lack of fighting in the rebellion, the one who fought the most were The North, Stormlands, and Lannisters.

After the rebellion, Robert had publicly announced that a tourney would be held for defeating the Greyjoy. Usually, Oberyn would want nothing more than to piss on his Tourney and go back to Dorne, but duty called; a Whisper needed to stop Whispering.

The closer they got to King's Landing, the more anxious Oberyn got, not because he was afraid but because he knew Elia had died in this castle. He just hoped he could leave this place as soon as possible. Everyone had been surprised to hear Prince Oberyn would attend the Tourney, especially knowing his hatred towards House Lannister.

Tywin barely reacted to that information, but Oberyn could tell that the old lion was on edge the whole time; the same couldn't be said for Jaime Lannister, who didn't show any cockyness or disrespect he had expected to show, especially for someone like him.

Lord Stark had left to return to the North as soon as the Rebellion ended, saying he needed to attend to some personal duties; with him went all his banners; Oberyn had been glad to not have the Stark around for this part of the job, especially with his Honor.

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