The North

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Hello Drinor here, If  you'd like to become a patron and get access to these chapters    earlier, just head on over to Patreon and search 'Drinor'

The Following 8 Chapters are already available for Patrons.

Chapter 46 (Winterfell), Chapter 47 (Alyanna Dayne),  Chapter  48 (A Feast in Winterfell), Chapter 49 (A Confession of Love),  Chapter 50 (A Fight in Winterfell), Chapter 51 (A Father and A  Daughter), Chapter 52 (The Old Lion), and Chapter 53 (A Princess's Dragon) are already available for  Patrons.

The LINK is in my Profile.

Ned Stark

A month had passed since they found the direwolves after bringing them to Winterfell; Catelyn first had been against it, saying they could harm their children. Still, it took one day of watching them together to know the direwolves weren't dangerous to their children. A week later, she accepted them staying in Winterfell. The only time now that she had anything against the direwolves was when Sansa would sneak food under the table for Lady to eat. Cat would say that's not how a lady should act.

Ned was sitting on his desk, working on documents, preparing for the arrival of Lady Maege Mormont and her daughters, and preparing for the arrival of the rest of his family. As the lord of Winterfell sat in his solar, pouring over a stack of parchments, a sudden burst of raucous laughter echoed from the courtyard outside.

Intrigued, he pushed his chair back and rose to his feet, his eyes fixed on the window that overlooked the bustling courtyard of Winterfell. As he made his way across the room, his footsteps echoed softly against the polished stone floor. The courtyard was a flurry of activity, with people coming and going, horses being led to and fro, and the occasional dog barking in excitement. Sansa was chasing Lady behind, her auburn locks swayed back and forth in the wind, and her blue eyes sparkled with joy. The many soldiers and servants who were present in the courtyard that day could not help but stop and watch the pair, their faces breaking into smiles of amusement at the sight of the young Lady Stark chasing after her wolf companion.

Ned couldn't help but chuckle under his breath at the thought of Lady, the kindest of the pack. Rickon had always been fond of Shaggydog, whose wild and unkempt fur matched his own unruly nature, while Arya had named her direwolf after one of her favorite warriors, Nymeria, a fierce and cunning leader. Robb's name for his direwolf was Grey Wind, while Bran was still struggling to find the perfect name for his beloved companion

All of them had decided on a name, except for the two direwolves, the quiet white one with red eyes and the red fast one with purple eyes, which was a bit unusual for a direwolf. Bran had asked what to do with them; Ned had ordered them to feed them like the rest, the two direwolves would spend time with the others, but unlike the rest, they didn't listen to orders, no matter how hard Ned tried, but he had noticed how often the red direwolf would stay with Grey Wind, Robb would often laugh every time he found Grey Wind in the company of the red one since the red direwolf was a female.

Jaehaerys, Alyanna, Ned murmured their names, feeling a wave of sadness wash over him like a bucket of cold water. His body leaned forward, his forehead touching the warm surface of the castle walls. Ned inhaled deeply as he imagined what everyone would think when they arrived.

He had yet to tell anyone that he had a daughter. Even if now she carried the name 'Dayne' and not 'Stark,' she was still his daughter, and Ned would always see her as such. He had informed everyone that Prince Oberyn and his family were coming to Winterfell to discuss trade.

When he had told Catelyn, she had asked him if they were looking for a betrothal between Robb and Princess Arianne. Ned Stark's swift response was to deny any such proposal before quickly adding that his eldest son needed to wed a Northern girl to secure the loyalty of their bannermen in the coming war. Cat had barely tried to hide her displeasure, saying that if not Princess Arianne, Arya could marry into their family. She was of the right age to marry the youngest son of Prince Doran Martell. When Ned asked her why she wanted Arya to marry in Dorne...

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