A Dream of Snow

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Jon Sand

Jon reached his father's chamber and knocked on the door; since he could remember himself, his father always told him to knock before entering any room, but Jon didn't know why the same didn't go for Ari or any of his sisters; he always walked inside their bedchamber without knocking. They never said anything against it; Ari many times even encouraged him that he could visit her bedchamber any time he wanted, and there's no need to knock.

Knocking, he heard the sound of footsteps walking towards the door, the door opened slightly, and the face of his father stick out, if it were any other time, Jon would have laughed at how red his face looked; he looked like how Tym looks when she's caught doing something inappropriate, like stealing cake or using live steel.

His father's eyes turned down at him with a raised eyebrow, and it wasn't unusual for Jon to wake up so early; for some reason, his son liked to wake up early, sometimes he wondered if his son was in some kind of competition, 'Who can wake up the earliest.

A year ago, he and Ari would bicker that he was the one who woke up first and detailing where the sun had been when he had woken up. Oberyn knew his son was still a kid, and to a kid, almost everything was a game.

"Good morning Father, can I talk with you?" Jon asked, smiling and grabbing the books from the floor near since the books were quite heavy for him to hold them all the time.

His red face slowly returned to normal color, and A smile slowly erupted on his face when he saw the books fully opening the door. He leaned away to let his son walk inside; Oberyn could only thank the gods that his bedchamber was very dark due to Ellaria wanting last night to be almost pitch black.

Something that was immediately noticed by Jon, who looked everywhere around trying to find the most minor source of light, and he couldn't help but feel the smell on the room, he didn't know what kind of smell this was, but it smelled like... Oil?!

Walking inside, Jon heard his mother sleeping soundly on the bed, and his father led him to the second room of his bedchamber.

This was actually lightened up much to his relief, the light of the sun streaming inside from the solar window.

His father sat in front of his desk before looking at his son.

His father turned fully at him, gesturing for him to sit in a chair near his desk; he filled a glass with water and moved it close to Jon, who put the books on the table with a loud noise.

"Father, I want to learn how to read and write," Jon stated, getting straight to the point; unlike some, Jon loved to get directly to the point and not dance around the bush.

"If you want, I can read them for you," Oberyn responded, grabbing the first book; it felt pretty heavy; he wondered if his son's arms were feeling numb from carrying them from the library to his bedchamber.

Reading the title, he almost froze before looking at his son again with a calculating look.

"Jon, why do you want to read 'Age of Dragons'?" Oberyn asked with a slightly serious tone before reading the title of the second one, and just as he guessed, it was 'Dragon Dreams.'

Jon lowered his head slightly in shame, he knew his father didn't really like whenever House Targaryen was brought up in any conversation, and he knew everyone associated dragons with them.

Oberyn saw his discomfort and put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, I'm not angry," he whispered, rubbing his long curly dark hair, bringing a smile on Jon's face.

Oberyn knew he showed pretty clearly that he didn't like whenever House Targaryen was brought up but figured the time had come to change that, his son would soon become the King of The Seven Kingdom, and whenever the time came to find out the truth; he didn't want him to think that he hated him or thought less of him because he was a Targaryen.

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