Chapter 1

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Everything was dark, and it was hard to see anything past my hand. I spun around, trying to find a light or some indication of a way out of the darkness. When I found none, I began to panic, the darkness closing in around me and starting to suffocate me. I couldn't stop myself from crying hysterically, still turning around trying to find anything other than the nothingness surrounding me.

I heard someone call my name and turned towards the sound. That's when I spotted a light far off in the distance. Someone was under that light. I squinted and was just able to make out Jim standing underneath it.

"Jim!" I called out.

I started running towards him, stumbling towards my light in the darkness. He started moving towards me as well. The light seemed to follow him wherever he ran, though I couldn't see its source.

I was only a few feet away, and my arms were stretched out, ready to embrace him.

But then I heard a loud bang, and Jim came to an abrupt halt. I stopped as well, startled by the sound. Then I took in the pained expression on his face. He looked down at his chest, and I followed his gaze. I gasped as I watched a red stain gradually expand on his shirt.

Jim looked up at me again before his eyes slipped shut. His body fell backwards into a hole that hadn't been there before.

I reached for him, trying to catch him before he was lost, but someone grabbed me around the waist and held me back.

"Jim!" I cried desperately as I helplessly watched him fall into an endless black abyss.

I futilely reached for him, but the person holding me back pulled me closer to them. I stared down the black hole and the small dot that was Jim continuing to fall. Tears silently poured down my face.

The person holding me grasped my chin in their hand and forced me to look up into their eyes.

My eyes widened when I met his. I would know those cold, calculating eyes anywhere.

"Alex," I breathed.

He smirked at me evilly while I stood there, frozen from shock. He leaned forward until his lips brushed my ear.

"You are mine," he whispered harshly.

I finally found my voice to scream.

I bolt upright in bed, screaming bloody murder. Tears were already pouring down my face. I looked around, momentarily confused and trying to gather my bearings. I quickly realized that I was in my bed at the BenBow Inn.

I pulled my knees up and buried my face in them, silently crying.

I heard footsteps pounding down the hall towards my room and looked up at my open door. Jim appeared in the doorway, wearing only a pair of long pajama pants. He looked frightened and ready to fight at a moment's notice. He was looking around the room for any signs of danger or an intruder.

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