Chapter 14

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Raphaelle had been quiet for almost an hour now, so the poison was slowly leaving her system. Jim knew that Alex would be coming back soon to give her more of the nightmarish liquid.

Jim wouldn't let her suffer anymore. He didn't know exactly what he was going to do, but he had to try something. He would beg and plead and even take her place if he had to; anything to stop her pain.

When he heard the squeaky door hinges creak, he stood up quickly and moved as close to the door of the cell as his chains would allow.

He only heard one pair of footsteps coming down the stairs, but they sounded heavier than Alex's. Whoever it was sounded like they walked with a limp. Then Jim heard a different noise. It sounded like...gears?

Just as Jim thought this, the person turned the corner and stepped into view of everyone.

"Silver!" Jim exclaimed with relief.

"Jimbo! There yeh are! I've been searchin' for yeh fer a while now. What happen'd?" Silver asked as the gears on his mechanical hand turned, switching his fingers for a buzz saw tool, which he used to cut the lock on Jim's cell door.

"You have no idea how happy I am to see you! Blackmore captured us. We've been here for four days now," Jim explained as Silver started to pick the locks on the shackles around his wrists.

Silver noticed Amelia in the cell across the hall and stared at her.

"Cap'n," he said, nodding his head in greeting.

"Silver," she replied formally.

"Pirate! Somebody Help Us! He's got Jimmy!" B.E.N. shouted hysterically.

"B.E.N., calm down! He's a friend," Jim said.

B.E.N. immediately shut up.

"Jim, who is this?" Austin asked.

"This is John Silver, the pirate cook on our ship to Treasure Planet. I told you guys about him," Jim answered.

"So this is the famous Silver," Nerita marveled, peering at him from her cell across the room.

Silver smiled sheepishly as he finished unlocking Jim's shackles.

Jim rubbed his chafed wrists as he and Silver walked out of the cell and towards the next one; Raphaelle's.

"What's da matter wit' Raphaelle?" Silver asked as he started to cut through the lock of her cell door.

"Blackmore gave her some poison that he created. It puts her to sleep and gives her horrible nightmares. She's been screaming for the past three days," Jim explained.

"She ain't screamin' now," Silver stated. "Dat's a good t'ing, right?"

"I think it only lasts for about a day and a half. She's been quiet for the past hour, so I think it's leaving her system. I was expecting Blackmore to come back when you showed up instead. What happened to the crew?" Jim asked.

"I put some sleepin' powder in da food. They shouldn't be wakin' up fer a while," Silver said, smirking.

Silver opened the door to Raphaelle's cell and proceeded to pick the lock on the shackles holding her hands above her head.

As soon as the shackles popped open, Raphaelle's limp body crumbled to the ground. Jim sprung forward and caught her, falling to his knees so he could lay her on his lap.

"Go ahead and get everyone else out

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"Go ahead and get everyone else out. I'll stay here until she wakes up," Jim told Silver.

Silver nodded and proceeded to free everyone else from their cells.

Jim looked down at his unconscious girlfriend lying in his arms. Strings of hair clung to her face. All her thrashing from the past three days had disheveled her neat braid and thrown bits of hair over her face. Jim gently tucked the strands behind her ear and looked at her. Her lips were slightly parted and tear tracks stained her cheeks. Jim licked his thumb and wiped the dried stains away.

Jim ripped his gaze away from Raphaelle to watch Silver unlock everyone from their cells and chains one by one.

After Silver had gotten about half of the people out, Jim heard a soft moan. He looked back down. Raphaelle was starting to come to.  

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