Chapter 13

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While Raphaelle was experiencing her nightmares, Jim and her friends had to watch her suffer.

Very soon after she fell asleep, she started to groan and talk in her sleep. At first, she just mumbled things incoherently. Very slowly, words became distinguishable. She would moan things like 'no,' and 'stop,' and she muttered Jim's name several times.

Pretty soon, things started to escalate. She started to shout, and she was calling for Jim more desperately now. And then she started to scream. It was the worst thing that anyone had ever heard. And there was nothing anyone could do to stop it.

Jim was distraught. He pounded on and kicked the bars of his cell, desperately trying to break them and get to her. He paced his cell and tried to pull on his chains, letting out cries of frustration at his inability to help Raphaelle.

Finally, Jim sat down in his cell and covered his ears with his hands, hiding his face in his knees. But he still couldn't block out her screams. He silently cried, wishing only for her pain to stop soon.

Everyone was affected by it. Angela moved to the edge of her cell, where Gabriel sat on the other side. Gabriel wedged his shoulder between the bars so that Angela could rest her head against it. He held her hand for support as she squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out Raphaelle's screams. Everyone else just sat in their cells, staring at nothing and trying not to let the screams shake their very cores. But that was an impossible task.

"Mommy, why is Ralphie screaming?" Danny asked, clutching his little stuffed dog and staring at Raphaelle fearfully.

Jim stared at the children with pity. This would surely traumatize them. They were too young and innocent to have to go through this. Blackmore should have let them go! Jim thought angrily.

Amelia pulled him close into a tight hug and pet his head lovingly.

"She's having a nightmare right now," Amelia explained to him.

"Why won't she wake up?" he asked.

"Because something's keeping her from waking up," Amelia replied.

"Will she ever wake up?" Brittany asked.

"She will, eventually," Delbert answered.

Raphaelle continued screaming for a full day and a half.

After that day and a half, she became silent for about an hour. Everyone figured that she was waking up and her torture was over.

But then Alex came back, and he had another giant cup of the poison.

When Jim saw this he jumped up and ran over to the bars next to Raphaelle's cell. He wished he could break the bars and lunge at Blackmore, but he was totally helpless. Alex walked into her cell and moved towards her with the drink.

"Stop it! She's had enough! Just let her wake up!" Jim shouted.

"No. She hasn't. I need to make sure she's broken before I let her wake up," Alex responded.

He tilted her head back and poured the entire cup down her throat.

Alex smirked at Jim, who glared right back at him.

"You monster, you jerk," Jim spat, wishing he could let loose many other choice words. However, there were children present.

"Pirate," Alex answered, still smirking.

Alex gently lifted Raphaelle's drooping head by her chin and moved in towards her lips, smirking at Jim cruelly.

"Leave her alone!" Jim yelled, kicking the bars again

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"Leave her alone!" Jim yelled, kicking the bars again.

Suddenly, a little pink object shot towards Alex's head, chirping and screaming and drawing him away from Raphaelle.

"Morph!" Jim exclaimed, a smile breaking out on his face.

Morph had been fearfully hiding in the shadows up until now. But at seeing one of his masters in danger, he burst into action, ready to protect her. He rapidly changed forms, hitting Alex on the head as a smaller hammer one second and exploding in his face as fireworks the next. Alex tried to bat him away, but the little blob was too fast for him.

"Somebody catch the little devil!" Alex ordered.

Roxanne moved quickly. She grabbed an extinguished lantern off the wall and shoved Morph into it while he was preoccupied. She shut the tiny door, sealing Morph inside, and handed it to Alex.

Alex examined the pink shape shifter darting around the inside of the unlit lantern.

"So this is Morph," he marveled, smiling maliciously.

Alex looked at Jim, who was glaring at him darkly.

"Well, I suppose this will make a nice pet," Alex stated.

He left the cell, bringing Morph with him.

Raphaelle's screaming started up again, and Jim resettled himself on the floor, trying to block out her blood-curdling cries.

Jim made a promise to himself then. He swore that he would never let her feel such pain again. He would make sure she never screamed like that again. He would get her out of this, and he would do anything to make sure that she was never afraid again. He didn't know how he was gonna do it, but he would do everything in his power to try.

In the middle of the third day, her moaning and thrashing stopped for a moment. Jim dared to lift his head up. She was completely motionless. Everyone else was staring at her as well.

Her mouth opened and she threw her head back, letting loose the most primal scream that any of them had ever heard.

Jim covered his ears and let out a wordless cry. He couldn't control his reaction, he just responded. The past three days had built up a lot of stress in his system, and this last event just pushed him over the edge.

I'll never let anyone hurt you like this ever again, he thought.

Her screams continued well into the night. Nobody slept in those three days, except for Raphaelle. But nobody really considered that sleeping.  

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