Chapter 6

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For the next few days, I continued my charade that I was sad and depressed. I spent my nights preparing for my journey; during the day I went out to the same meadow and took naps. Jim followed me every time, but I didn't let him know I knew. Even though I was still angry with him, I knew those would probably be the last times he would ever see me, so I let him have those last moments.

On the third night, I waited until it was almost midnight to put my plan into action. I quietly changed into a tight black shirt, black pants, and my favorite black boots. I pulled my hair back into a braid so that it wouldn't get in my way. I grabbed my small duffle bag filled with an extra pair of clothes and some food. Then I waited by the window.

A ship docked at the pier, and I saw Delbert and Amelia walk out of the Inn towards it. I knew I had to move quickly. I opened my window and threw out a thick rope that I had knotted every few feet. The other end of it was attached to my heavy bed. After checking to make sure it would hold my weight, I carefully climbed down the side of the wall. I landed quietly on the ground and started for the ship. I made sure to hide behind every tree and rock so that nobody would see me. Delbert and Amelia boarded the ship, but I knew that it wouldn't take off yet. They had said after midnight, so there was still half an hour left. Various crew members were darting around on deck, making preparations for the ship to launch. I needed for everyone on deck to be facing away from me so I wouldn't get caught sneaking on.

I waited for the perfect opportunity to dart onto the boat. I saw my window and prepared to dash out.

"Going somewhere?" a voice said behind me.

I spun around and came face to face with Jim. He looked more disappointed than angry, but I could distinctly see both emotions on his face.

My mouth was open, but I didn't know what to say. Jim and I stared at each other for a long time before one of us spoke.

"I can't believe you!" Jim snarled.

"Jim, I-" I started.

"Save it. Just get back inside," he cut me off, reaching for my arm.

"No," I said, stepping out of arms reach.

"This isn't up for discussion," he stated.

"Good. Then we have an understanding. I'm going, and there is nothing you can do to stop me," I exclaimed, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Raphaelle, get back inside that house right now or, so help me, I will make you!" he threatened, anger seething out of his voice.

"No," I said, putting my hands on my hips defiantly.

What happened next was unexpected. I know Jim had threatened me, but I hadn't actually expected him to get physical with me. But the next thing I knew, I had been picked up and was being held upside down. My arms were pinned to my sides, so I couldn't do anything. I tried kicking him with my feet, but he kept dodging them. This wasn't a position I had been trained to get out of at the Academy, which is probably why Jim had decided on this unconventional hold.

"Jim! Let me go!" I yelled

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"Jim! Let me go!" I yelled.

"Yeah. That's gonna happen," he said sarcastically, walking back towards the Inn.

"Jim stop! I have to fix this!" I pleaded desperately.

"I'm not letting you put yourself in danger," he replied.

"You don't understand! I -" I started.

"Jim. Put her down," a voice said to my left.

I looked over and saw an upside-down Gabriel leaning against a tree.

"Gabriel, stay out of this," Jim muttered.

"I can't. She's right," he replied.

"Whatever," Jim huffed.

"Seriously Jim, put her down before all the blood rushes to her head and turns her into a tomato," a voice said from the side. I turned my head and saw Nerita and Jennifer appear from behind a tree.

I looked around and saw everyone was there.

"You guys, this is ridiculous. I'm not letting her go, and that's final," Jim said.

"Jim, she needs to go, and as her friends, we need to support her," Iris persuaded.

"But this is-" Jim started.

"Jim. You're either going to let her go willingly, or we're going to make you let her go," Gabriel said, waiting expectantly for Jim to put me down.

Jim looked around at everyone and realized he was beat. He sighed and released me.

"Thanks for your help guys," I said, starting back towards the ship.

"Where do you think you're going?" Jennifer said.

"To the ship," I replied nervously.

"Not without us," Nerita said, smiling at me.

"What? You guys can't come," I stated.

"Too bad. The only way you're going is if we come along," Adelaide said, passing me on her way towards the ship.

"Someone's gotta make sure you stay out of trouble," Angela teased.

I thought about it for a moment, then smiled.

"Alright, you can come. I could use the help," I said.

We all started for the ship. Luckily, everyone was dressed and had a small bag with them as well.

"Did you guys plan this?" I asked.

"Yeah. We knew you would try something, and we couldn't let you have all the fun," Nerita answered, winking at me.

We all climbed through an open porthole and into the cargo hold of the ship. Jim was still standing at the end of the pier, and he looked up at me, a blank expression on his face. For a moment, I thought he wasn't going to come along, but he grudgingly climbed through the window and into the room.

We hid behind a bunch of crates until the ship launched. Once we had been flying for an hour, we relaxed, but our relief was short-lived.

One of the crew members found us and took us straight to Captain Amelia.

We all stood in her office with our heads down as she and Delbert stared at us coldly.

"I thought we said you were not to come along," Delbert said angrily. This was one of the few times I had ever seen him angry.

"I had to. I have to fix this," I replied.

"I understand that you feel the need to take care of this, but you're putting yourself in danger," Amelia said.

"You won't be able to get the kids back without me. Alex won't negotiate unless he can have me," I argued.

"I will not bargain with your life, even for the lives of my own children. It would be wrong to give you over to that pirate. No doubt your life would be in grave danger should he get his hands on you," Amelia explained.

"Who said I was actually going to let him have me!" I exclaimed.

Everyone in the room stared at me, confused.

"What do you mean?" Delbert asked.

"I have a plan," I said, smiling mischievously.

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