Chapter 20

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I woke up feeling much better than I had in a long time. I figured I must have slept through the rest of the day and night, since early morning sunlight was pouring into the crew's quarters from the deck above. I got up and stretched, then decided to wash up. After taking a quick shower, I put on a clean black shirt, black pants, and my black boots. I had brought almost exclusively black clothing, since I had anticipated a mission of stealth. I braided back my wet hair and adjusted my necklace before walking out on deck to see where everyone was.

The crew members were going about their usual business, but I didn't see any of my friends. I decided to check the galley. When I walked downstairs, I was pleasantly surprised to find Silver in the kitchen cooking something. He looked up from his work and smiled at me.

"Good ta see yeh, lass. I was wonderin' when yeh'd wake up. How'd yeh sleep?" he asked.

"A lot better than I have in a while. Whatcha making there?" I asked.

"Me famous Bonzabeast stew. Are yeh hungry?" he asked.

"Starving," I replied.

He poured me a bowl and I hungrily devoured it. When I was finished, Morph flew out from somewhere in the kitchen and stared at my empty bowl longingly.

"Hey Silver, I think someone here wants seconds," I said, holding the little gelatinous shape-shifter in my palms.

"Here yeh go, Morphy," Silver laughed, pouring more into my bowl for him. Morph immediately slurped it all up, burping contently.

"So where is everyone?" I asked.

"They're in teh Cap'n's quarters, discussing what's ta be done 'bout Alex," he replied.

"I should probably be a part of that," I said, hopping up from my seat.

"Probably," Silver chuckled.

"Thank you!" I told Silver as I left the galley and jogged towards the Captain's quarters. I knocked on the door before poking my head in.

"Ah, Raphaelle, we were just starting. Come in," Captain Amelia said.

I walked in, closing the door behind me, and took a seat next to Jim at a large round table. Sitting around the table was Angela, Gabriel, Iris, Adelaide, Jennifer, Nerita, Austin, Delbert, Amelia, Jim and I.

"Now then, we were discussing what is going to happen to Blackmore and his accomplices. The Intergalactic Navy shall deposit them in a temporary but high security prison, where they shall await trial. Obviously, they shall be found guilty, as there are enough witnesses, among our party and around the Universe, to testify against him. Raphaelle, do you wish to act as a witness in the trial?" Amelia asked.

"I don't ever want to be in the same room with him ever again," I said, looking down at my hands in my lap. Delbert, who was right next to me, placed his hand on my shoulder in a comforting gesture.

"I understand. You can make a statement that will be used against him in court without actually having to be present in the courtroom. Like I said, we have more than enough witnesses to prove his guilt. Once he is found guilty, we, as the victims, have the right to determine what his punishment will be," she continued.

"I say we request the maximum punishment. The universe will be better off without him," Jim proposed.

"No," I said.

Everyone turned to stare at me, disbelief written all over their faces.

"But he's a horrible person who deserves everything that's coming to him," Jim argued.

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