Chapter 15

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My nightmares finally stopped, and the only thing I was aware of was the fact that there were no terrifying images behind my eyelids. Slowly, soft muffled voices penetrated my consciousness. They got louder and clearer, but I couldn't focus on what they were saying.

I sensed a warm presence holding me and involuntarily moaned. I felt safe, even though I didn't know who was next to me.

I felt a hand gently stroking my cheek. I sighed contently and nuzzled into it. The hand held my face as my mind slowly started to gain focus.

My eyes fluttered open, but all I could see were blurry shapes. I blinked a few times until everything became clear. I found myself gazing up into the loving face of my boyfriend. He was smiling, but he looked exhausted. There were dark circles under his eyes, and concern was etched into his features.

"Jim," I rasped. It felt like daggers were in my throat, and I could barely get any sound out. What little noise I could make was strained and barely recognizable as my voice.

I brought my hand up to my throat to communicate that it was hurting.

"Shh. Don't strain yourself. You've been screaming for the past three days. You've probably damaged your throat a bit," Jim said.

"Is this a dream? Another nightmare?" I asked, fear spreading through me as I anticipated some horrible event to unfold.

"No. You're awake. You're finally awake," he reassured me, gently squeezing my hand.

"Water," I whispered, unable to ignore the pain in my throat anymore.

"Does anyone have any water?" Jim asked, looking up at people I couldn't see.

"Here," a familiar voice said.

Jim caught a canteen in the air and unscrewed the top. He tilted it into my mouth and I greedily gulped it down. The cool water soothed my sore vocal chords. When I had finished the canteen, I decided to ask some questions.

"What happened?" I asked, just barely above a whisper.

Jim smiled before answering. "A friend came to save us," he said.

He looked up at someone on the other side of the hall. I tried to turn my head, but my aching neck wouldn't allow it. Jim helped me sit up very slowly, making sure that I didn't faint or get dizzy. I turned around and saw Silver picking the lock on Angela's shackles.

"Silver!" I exclaimed. My throat protested, but I didn't care.

"Good ta see yeh, lass," Silver said, giving me a smile.

"But how...?" I began, turning towards Jim.

"I told you I sent a letter to Silver before we left, remember?" he answered, giving me a cocky half grin.

"I still think that was dangerous, but right now, I'm kinda glad you did," I said, returning his smile.

"Jimbo, can you and yer friends help get everyone else out? Dis one may take me awhile ta unlock," Silver said.

He was trying to open the shackle on Angela's mechanical arm, but it was difficult. The strange blinking bracelet didn't have a normal lock that opens with a key. It looked more like a strong magnetic lock. Silver would have to figure out how to deactivate it in order to get it to unlock. He had already opened a panel on the bracelet and was messing with the wires inside.

Jim got up and attempted to open the door to the cell holding Amelia, Delbert and their kids. I stayed on the floor of my cell and let my body rest against the bars.

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