Chapter 12

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As soon as I lost consciousness, the nightmares began. The most upsetting images I had ever seen permeated every inch of my mind, and they rolled through my head like scenes of a movie.

I was back in St. Josephine's orphanage. Everything was eerily silent. I searched every room for any sign of life. But there was no one. I was completely and utterly alone. And that terrified me. No one to talk to or to hold; no one to laugh with and share my happiness. It was horrible, and I couldn't stand it. I curled into a ball in a corner and cried, wishing that I could be anywhere but there.

After what felt like an eternity later, I heard a noise. When I looked up, I was no longer in the orphanage. I didn't recognize where I was, but I saw Jim walking by.

"Jim!" I exclaimed, bolting up and looking at him hopefully. He stopped walking and looked me up and down, a guarded expression on his face. He stuffed his hands into his jacket pockets and assumed an uninterested position.

"Do I know you?" he asked.

The smile that had appeared on my face the moment I saw him disappeared, and my heart plummeted when I looked into his eyes and saw absolutely no recognition within them.

"It's me, Raphaelle. You're girlfriend," I said, reaching my hand out to him.

He backed away from my hand and smirked cynically.

"Girlfriend? In your dreams. You're not my type," he said rather mockingly.

He started walking off.

"Jim! Hold on a minute!" I said, putting my hand on his shoulder and turning him around.

He pushed my hand away and glared at me.

"Look, I don't know who you are and I don't really care. Now leave me alone," he snarled.

I was so stunned that I just stood there frozen to the spot as he walked off. When I regained my senses, he was boarding his solar surfer.

"Jim wait!" I called, running after him.

But I was too late

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But I was too late. He had already started the surfer and was speeding off. I was left standing in the dust at the edge of a cliff.

Suddenly, the cliff broke, and I was falling into an endless black abyss. I was screaming as I fell down. But above my screaming, I could hear voices. They were foreign and familiar at the same time, and they said the most horrendous things to me.

You're all alone.

No one likes you.

No one will ever want you.

Even your own parents didn't want you.

What makes you think that anyone would ever want to be around a pathetic girl like you?

You'll always be alone.

And there's nothing you can do about it.

I put my hands over my ears, trying to block out the voices. But I could hear them inside my head.

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