Chapter 5

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I woke up the next morning and Jim wasn't there. I slowly sat up and glanced around my room. My eyes fell on Daniel's little stuffed dog and I instantly felt depressed. I took a deep breath, compiling my thoughts, then looked towards my open door with determination.

I got out of bed, hastily pulled on a green dress, brushed my hair and teeth, and walked downstairs, Danny's little doll dangling from my hand.

As I approached the kitchen, I heard voices. I heard my name and slowed down as I quietly snuck towards the door.

From the voices, I could tell that everyone was in the room, and they were discussing what they were going to do about Alex Blackmore.

"We can't just go barreling in there like a horde of daft buffoons and expect to be able to get ourselves and the children out safely," Amelia explained, sounding exasperated.

"You're right, we need a plan," Gabriel said.

"We? You children are not going," Delbert declared.

"Why not? We're graduates from the Interstellar Academy," Nerita pointed out.

"That may be, but you don't have enough experience to go on a mission as dangerous as this," Amelia refuted.

"So let us gain the experience," Jennifer reasoned.

"It would be irresponsible for me to allow you to come along. The answer is no," Amelia stated firmly.

"Fine, but how are we gonna convince Raphaelle?" Jim asked

"Well, the same way we just did with you. We'll explain to her how dangerous it is and tell her it's preposterous for her to walk into this obvious trap," Delbert said.

"But she won't listen. She thinks this is all her fault. She'll find a way to go," Jim replied.

"Then we'll just have to keep a close eye on her," Mrs. Hawkins deduced.

"Jim. Do you think you can keep her busy for a few days?" Delbert asked.

"Sure. When are you guys leaving?" Jim asked.

"In three days, after midnight," Amelia answered.

"Alright. Now not another word about this subject," Mrs. Hawkins hushed them all.

I heard her putting down some plates on the table.

I quietly tiptoed back up the stairs a few steps, then came back down, making sure to make a little noise to announce my presence.

I walked slowly into the kitchen, looking at the floor. I tried to make it look like I was still sad and depressed by the kidnapping, but in reality, I was furious. I was angry because my own friends were going to lie to me and go behind my back in order to keep me from fixing the problem I had created. But I wasn't going to let them know I had heard everything. If they knew, I would never be able to help the kids.

"Hey. Good morning," Iris said, throwing me a sympathetic look. I gave her what I hoped was a convincing looking sad smile.

"Good morning," I sighed.

"Are you doing okay?" Angela asked, hugging me.

"I don't know," I replied, hugging her back and accepting her comfort.

I walked over to Amelia and handed her the doll.

"I thought you might want this," I said.

She gingerly took it, staring at it with longing in her eyes. For a moment, I thought she might cry. But she composed herself and looked at me with compassion in her eyes.

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