T. TwentyNine.

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"this might be my favorite new song." kaori nodded her head to "safe then sorry".

"on my momma this bitch hard." kd said moving his hips to the beat.

"no need to be scared, know we gotta all go." kaori sung lowly rubbing over her stomach feeling the babies kick.

"that shit hurt?" kd asked watching her.

"no, it just feel weird but a good weird if that make sense." she tried to explain laughing a bit. "but it feels like someone's tapping you so imagine something tapping you from inside your skin." she added recording the babies kicking.

grabbing the remote kaori changed the song to life support. everytime life support comes on the babies love to move around real carelessly.

"kd sherhonda said go downstairs and help them." kendell came in the room eating a rice krispy.

"tell honda to shut her old ass up." kd smacked his lips getting up from off the bed.

"bet." kendell walked out.

"he serious too." kaori laughed.

"manee lemme go before she come up here and drag me downstairs." he huffed leaving out the room.

couple seconds later kentrell came in eating a cupcake that had blue frosting on it. "gimme some." she pouted.

kentrell looked at her a certain way before smacking his lips handing her the cupcake.

"damn i can't never have shit to myself." he mugged laying down on the bed in front of her.

"nigga what you expect i'm pregnant with two babies of course imma want everything you eat." she shrugged licking the frosting.

"i hope you choke on that bitch too." he mumbled getting on his phone.

"how's everything going downstairs? i would go look but jania and drea said it's a surprise so i can't ." she huffed out trying her best to use her imagination.

"it's good but you know sherhonda and teelee had to go overboard with everything." kentrell shook his head. "bae ain't games only for baby showers and not gender reveals?" kentrell asked.

"you can do it for both." kaori answered him.

"oh, sherhonda done got games and all. i told her all that shit was unnecessary."

"sherhonda must think she a decorator." she laughed.

"she wanna be one so bad, told ha' ass stick to cussing people out on instagram."

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