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"Tell me why I need training again?"

"One, you're a white wolf. Two, you're an ex omega. Three, you're a Luna. Four, you're a soon-to-be-queen." Eden said. I just groaned loudly as Eden chuckles at my reaction. "I hate you." I mutter to him.

"The feelings mutual, Luna" he replied doing a slight curtesy. "Stop it. I am never going to get a hang of the name 'Luna' and that stupid curtesy " I admit. "I'll just call you queen then." Eden said enjoying to tease the shit out of me.

Immediately, I smack the back of his head. "Fuck off." I snapped before running the laps like Eden ordered. "That didn't hurt by the way." Eden shouted. "Good for you" I shouted back.


"My name is Mr.Gavin and today I will be training you and same as every other day. I suppose that Eden has told you to run 30 laps right?" He introduced himself and asked me.

"Well, yes." I replied unsure of what I should say. "Good. I thought he didn't. Can't trust him sometimes." he mutters to himself.

"So now I want you to pick that up and run another 30 lap." he said pointing towards a thing? I do not know what it's called and I don't want to know.

I jogged towards that thing and picked it up then I immediately drop it. "Oh fucking ew!" I shrieked in horror.

That thing smells horrible and it is slimy.

Slimy for gods sake

"Oops sorry. Wrong thing. It's the one on your left." he said with an amused smirk tugged on his lips.

"You did that on purpose." I stated narrowing my eyes at him. "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't," he shrugs casually. "Asshole." I mutter under my breath but he seem to caught it as he chuckles in response.

The next thing is the element training.

Dreaded training ever.

"We'll start with the easiest one. Air training. When you have an air element, you can do anything with it. Air is also important. Without it, all of your other elements would be useless." he then continued.

"For example, water. If you want to create rain, you need air to control the height of it, the impact and vice versa. So now, I need you to close your eyes and imagine yourself at the Sahara Desert. You are hot with sweats trickling down your skin and you wanted a breeze to cool you down" he said.

"So what am I supposed to do?" I asked clueless. "Shut up. You are not to speak unless allowed to." He snapped. My wolf inside growled at his disrespectful attitude.

'Technically, without him we would be useless. So stop growling and shit cause I really need to concentrate here' I commented to my wolf.

It let out a low whimper but shut itself anyway.

"Are you always acting like shit with people?" I wonder out of curiosity. " Oh trust me, I have a lot of shitty attitudes. Just different piles" he jokes lamely.

" Ha ha ha." I replied in a monotone voice. "Very fucking funny" I said my voice filled with sarcasm. "Why thank you my queen," he replied bowing slightly

"Don't call me that. I need to get a hang of it first" I said rasing my hand as a symbol of 'stop'.

"Okay. Now, focus on creating a breeze" he said.



Suddenly, I felt cold wind surrounding me. I open my eyes and grinned at Gavin widely "I did it! I did it! Did you see that? Oh good god I did it!" I fan girl over myself.

"Yes you did. Now, let's move on to another one" he commands.

Spare your mercy please

//I still can't get over the fact that this book has 470+ reads. I mean how long since I have posted the first chapter? 5 fucking days. Omg thank you so much. Love you and bye


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