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"I swear gold or white?"

"You can't swear colours, Acacia," Melody pointed out. "I meant gold dress or white?" I asked her with a desperate look on my face. I was literally asking every human being in this castle the same question. "Gold. It brings out your eyes but you have to wear white accessories to match the Winter theme," Melody said.

So gold wins by 58 to 32. Gold it is then. I changed into the dress and Melody tied my hair in an up-do complete with mini fake snowflakes hair clips scattered randomly on it. The makeup that Melody applied on me was gorgeous. It was a nice bronze eyes with a dramatic wing eye liner, a bold red slightly overdrawn lip completed with a bit of contouring and highlighting on the hollows of my cheek.

My shoes were a plain white high heels. I was greeted by a very smart looking Axel in a white tuxedo and a gold tie. "Hey handsome," I greeted kissing him on the lips for a straight minute. "Hey beautiful," he greeted back with a raspy and husky voice still breathless from our kiss earlier.

Oh swoon.

He opened the door for me and closed it after I got in it. When he was driving, Hold Me Down by Halsey came on the radio and I sang along with it. I saw Axel smile from the corners of my eyes. "Come on, sing along with me!" I squealed.

"My demons are begging me to open up my mouth. I need them to mechanically make the words come out. They fight me. Vigorous and angry watch them pounce," I sang bobbing my head to the beat.

"I don't even know the lyrics, babe." Axel pointed out the absolute obvious. "Just wing it," I said.

"And it's the devil that's tryna hold me down," he sang looking at me for confirmation. I gave him a nod and a thumbs up. He continued winging the song and surprisingly, he got all the lyrics right. "That was so good," I complimented giving him a kiss on the cheek not on the lips.

Can't get him distracted now can I?

"We've arrived, milady," he said. Unfortunately, this time he didn't get to open the door for me as someone already did. Axel frowned but offered me a hand. "Shall we?"

"We shall," I replied smiling. "But really are you sure you want to do this? I mean last time you went to a party, you landed yourself in a hospital," he frowned. I gave his shoulder a quick squeeze before replying, "I'll be fine. Now let's just walk through that door and enjoy ourselves."

We walked and everyone's eyes seemed to be on us. We smiled and I held Axel's hand tighter. He noticed this and let out a low chuckle. My wolf being the horny wolf she is decided to purr on my head.

Sexy damn.

Control your whoremones, wolfie.

Don't deny it Acacia. You know you want a piece of that.

I do but we're in public!

I can just imagine those sexy abs sweating when he thrust in-

Oh ew! TMI bruh.

And that long fat tongue of his could-

Shut the fuck up!


Exactly! Too much information!

Oh...I thought that meant 'Tell more information'

I face palmed myself inwardly. I was at a chair when I finished the short but absolutely perverted conversation with my horny wolf. When did I get here in the first place? Axel sensed my confusion and told me that it was him that bought me here.

"So now that his and her highness have arrived, let the dance begin!" Preston, one of the oldest elder shouted with a cheshire grin on his face. Axel turned to me and did a slight bow. "I believed that they want us to dance first. Dance with me my queen?"

I took his hand and we moved to the middle of the ballroom. The spotlight was on us and we started dancing. I was watching my foot in order to not step on his. Once I was satisfied with my footings, I looked up and my eyes met with his.

The intensity of his eyes made me lost in them as it continued to stare at me. Something moved behind him. It was outside the window. That something was yellow. A pair of yellow fucking eyes.

"Alarick is here," I hissed. Axel let out a low growl that only I can hear. "That bastard. Where is he?" he asked holding back another growl. "Behind you. Well not exactly behind you but he's behind the mirror behind you," I answered.

So many behinds.

Axel's eyes suddenly went hazy meaning that he was mind linking someone. He then tightened his grasp on me and pulled me closer. "Listen here and listen good. I want you to run out of this building and take anyone with you--anyone that can be trusted and go back to the castle. Lock yourself in a room and wait there for me," he ordered.

"No! If you fight then I'll fight with you. I'm a queen and an Everdeen. I can't just let you do it all!," I hissed. "This is for your safety. You have to do this! Just go to the castle and take anyone with you. I'll be--wait DUCK!" he shouted as a cannonball appeared through the window smashing it to pieces and it was about to explode in seconds.



.....Wtf are you looking at? I don't know what'll happen. Just wait till the author updates ;)

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