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Axel said. "There is no way that she would just run away from you and leave you for a year unless she's human," He continued. I smirked to myself. Currently, Tate is telling my pack how his Luna (Which was me obviously) ran away.

He forgot to insert the reject and exile part though.

Such shame.

"Im serious. She's a werewolf." Tate protest. "As much as I want to hear what happened, I just wanted to say that training is in 15. Tell your pack that whoever's late will be doing the training twice." I said before walking out of the room.

Going straight to my room, I changed my clothes and thought to myself. I met him again. This felt so unreal. Shaking my head, I walked out of the room and went straight to the field.

When I arrived there, I saw the familiar faces of my former pack members. All looking very how should I say this, zombified . Their eyes literally looked dead and their body looked a bit thin. Even, Dakota whose nickname was Mr. Muscle lost his muscles.

Though, he still looks a bit toned.

Clapping my hands twice as loud as I can, I finally got all of their attention. "Listen up. From now on, I will be training you weaklings on how to defend yourself and a lot of things. " I cleared my throat then continued.

"I was expecting much more than this to be honest. I mean, you couldn't even stop your Luna from running away. Pathetic," I commented making them all snarl at me. "Now, now. You don't want to have a war against Dark Crescent pack do you? I'll let you know that you are talking to their Luna" I said emphasizing the word 'their.'

Immediately, they all bowed their heads slightly at me. Good to know that they still have a teeny bit of respect in their heart.

Or maybe because their just afraid.

I'll go with the latter.

"I want four teams. Girls on north, boys on west, children on east and elderly people on my south." I commanded. All of them split into groups and I smirked at them. Oh if only they knew that they're receiving orders from the people they hate.

"I have a question. Why are you training us?" A squeaky voice asked. I looked at her and instantly recognize those eyes. Victoria Monette. My number one bully.

"Because if you don't then you'll die and as much as I wanted to see you die, Im not heartless so Im training you." I explained shaking my head a bit. "But I don't need training. Im powerful," She replied.

I went to her and raised my eyebrow at her. "Really?" I asked, She nods in reply. I punched her the stomach and kicks her right leg. "Are you sure? Because you my dear are not strong. If you are strong , you would have been able to stop me but you didn't," I said making my voice colder.

She glared at me while clutching her stomach. "Im pregnant you asshole," she said. "You can't fool me Victoria. If you were, I would've heard a second heartbeat." I stated crossing my arms over my chest.

"Any other questions?" I asked daring people to do so.

They shook their heads. "Good. Today I am going to be joined with Eden which is my Gamma for your information. He will be training the teams on east and south which is children and elderly. The rest of you will be trained by me." I explained before adding

"Let the party begin."

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