Chapter 6

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"Gracie what's wrong. Is there something there." Bucky said, gripping my hand tighter.

"No,no... let's just have fun." I said still looking at the window but turning to look at him, I squeezed his hand. That night I had so much more fun that I have had in a long time. There was so much dancing. So while I was dancing, a slow dance came on. I kinda just stood there.

"Gracie, you wanna dance." I heard Peter's voice say behind me. I smiled and turned around.

"Well spider boy i would in enjoy that a lot.'' I put my hands on his shoulders and he put his hands on my waist.

"So what's going on with you and the cyborg." Peter asked, raising his eyebrows. I felt my face flush. I knew that I found Bucky extremely attractive , but it was the fact I am actually starting to like him, but I wasn't ready to tell anyone yet in case my feelings went away. A 17 year old liking a 100 year old man from world war two. It wasn't only the way Bucky looked, it was the way he cared for me that was just different from Peter or aunt May. even during my panic attacks he knew exactly what to do, the way he helped me pick out a dress, the way my mood just changed when i was around him. "Hello? Earth to Gracie. Come in Gracie. Are you there?" Peter asked, as he snapped his fingers in front of my face.

"Oh it's nothing."

"You're really going to lie to my face." Peter said as he just stopped dancing.

"No, I'm not lying. Plus what are you even asking me that like what the hell. I am pretty sure I am entitled to have a private life. Why are you acting like this." to be honest I had no idea why he didn't just leave it alone. I mean nothing is going to happen. He's legit 100. Don't get me wrong, I adore him. I just don't want to get him in trouble.

"Since when have you had a private life? You tell me everything. I mean everything. Why are you hiding this."

"Hiding. Are you really going to bring up keeping things from each other? What about when you got your powers? Huh, I found out, you didn't tell me, or what about with liz. Plus I hardly see you anymore. Like i try calling you and it seems you're always busy. And you didn't even have the common decency to tell me about what was going on.. I found out from Mj. so you have no right to call me out for not wanting to talk about things."

"Wow you're really going to bring up liz."

"Yeah I am, because if you are going to try and pick and poke around shit that you don't fully understand, then yeah I am going to bring up the fact that you were going to leave me for that piece of shit because she thought we were too close and she wanted me gone."

"You know I have liked her for a long time."

"Of course I know that, and I am the one that encouraged you to even start talking to her. Do you remember that? Huh.. right... Peter you have missed a lot, tics are getting worse, I feel like I'm being watched, and I can't even tell you, cause youre not picking up my calls anymore."

"So what you're saying is that I'm not being there for you." more and more people stopped talking, to where it was at the point it was all quiet except for me and Peter arguing got louder.

"Yeah, that's what I'm saying." I said, the tone of my voice shifted into being more and more irritated.

"Then what was yesterday huh? I was there for you yesterday."

"Yes you were yesterday, but what about for the last 2 months, right you were off with liz."


"ME SELFISH? ARE YOU HIGH?! I HAVE PUT MY PROBLEMS OFF TO THE SIDE SO I COULD BE THERE FOR YOU!! FOR THE LAST 6 MONTHS IT HASN'T BEEN ANYTHING BUT YOU PETER. WHO WAS THERE FOR YOU WHEN YOU GOT YOUR POWERS! I WAS! I PUSHED YOU TO GO TO TALK TO LIZ. I WAS THERE WHEN YOU FOUND OUT WHAT REALLY HAPPENED TO YOUR PARTANS. PETER YOU KNOW I HAVE BEEN WITH YOU THROUGH THICK AND THIN." That was the mommut i felt something inside of me flip a switch. My heart beated faster, and I could feel my face get red and tears start to run down my face. Peter's face relaxed, but I was still so angry.

At that point Bucky had slowly made his way closer to me. I looked over to see Wanda's hand start to radiate her red glow. As my anger grew the lights dimmed and Wanda's red glow was starting to be sucked into me. "What in the heck is she doing!" Tony said as he stuck out his arm. " Friday tell me what's going"

"It looks like she drains energy from around her." My eyes started to glow a dull blue. Everyone was completely confused why the hell i was absorbing energy from around me, and so i was i. I had no idea what was going on, but then I just saw Bucky's face in front of me. His eyes looked at me with so much care, and concern.

"Hey, hey look at me. Shhh, breath. Gracie looked at me, just breathing." I was still absorbing Wanda's powers and she was on her hands and knees crying from pain. Even more tears ran down my face. Then that feeling in your chest that feels just like an elephant is sitting on you causing even more problems. It felt like I was dying. Then even more of Wanda's energy was being sucked in, the lights dimmed even more.

"Am I doing that?" I stuttered. I felt horrible. I had no idea what was going on and I was hurting wanda. Then Peter runs over to try and push Bucky out of the way.

"Parker! I'm taking care of it. You're going to make things worse." Bucky said only breaking eye contact for a split second to push Peter out of the way. I felt my chest tighten up and a lump in my throat swell. "Gracie, look at me, it's going to be okay." he said, grabbing my hands and putting them over his first two fingers. "Breath for me. Ready in.....Out........ In........Out." And that's when everything just stopped.

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