Chapter 9

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Putting my hair in the towel I picked out clothes that I would wear for dinner tonight. I huffed as my phone started to ring. "Hey MJ"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" I heard Ned and Mj yell into the phone. I smiled. "Sorry we didn't call yesterday we..."

"It's okay you guys. Thanks for calling you and making my day."

"Did your dad call?" I heard Mj's voice getting more simpatice, I guess she went off of the speaker.

"He did but for dinner not to say happy birthday. I would be really surprised if he remembered." I said with a forced laugh.

"Well maybe that's why he invited you to dinner."


"Are you going to go visit your mom today?"

"Yeah i was thinking about it i would go before i go to my dad's."

"Is Peter going with you?"

"Hahahaha no. We got into a fight last night. It was pretty bad."

"Dang i'm sorry, do you want to talk about it."

"No not really, hey i have to get ready for dinner. I'll call you okay bye."

"Okay i'm here if you need to talk. Good luck at your dad's."

"Thanks, bye"

"Bye." Mj said as I hung up the phone. I set my phone down on my bed, as I walked over to my closest. I put on leggings and an oversized shirt. I put on longer white socks and converse. (something like this)

I sat down at my desk and grabbed my makeup. I put on a little bb cream and blush and some mascara. I put my hair into a half ponytail, with a sigh I got up and walked out of my room. I walked into the kitchen and got myself a cup of water. I hopped onto the counter as Clint and Nat walked in.

"Hey girlie, what are you doing?" Nat said, opening the refrigerator door, and looking inside. I looked at the time on my phone.

"Well I'm waiting, I am going to my dad's house for dinner. You can imagine how excited I am." I said sarcastically with a half of a laugh.

"Ooh the dad that you just stopped taking care of." Clint asked. Nat looked at him with a 'come-on man' look. I smiled and shook my head.

"Yeah that's the one."

"Wait you're going to your dad's" Peter asked as he walked into the kitchen. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah I am."I said with that look.

"Will you be okay going by yourself?"

"Yes Peter I will be, but I'm not going alone." I said, Peter's face was confused. "Bucky is coming with me.." Clint and Nat looked at each other and smirked. While Peter's face dropped.

"Bucky is going with you huh." Nat and Clint said in sync. I smiled and threw a banana that was sitting next to me at nat, but she caught it. "What, we aren't doing anything." She said, threw the banana back at me. Peter shook his head and walked out.

"Soooo what's going on with you and peter." Clint asked.

"You think I know." I said, laughing. I hopped off the counter, and as I did bucky walked into the kitchen with Steve. A smile grew on my face as I thought wow he looks good. He was wearing a gray shirt with a black leather jacket over it. He was also wearing jeans and black boots. I stood there smiling like a doofus as Nat came up to me and whispered in my ear.

"You're falling aren't you?" i looked at her and then looked at everyone else and looked back at nat and dragged her out of the kitchen. She was laughing as I pulled her into my room. "Geez if you want me all you had to do was ask." She said, still laughing.

"Nat come on is it really that obvious?" I said, pushing her.

"Yeah girl it's that obvious. It's not really a surprise either with how much time you two spend together it makes sense. Even last night he knew exactly what to do." She said putting her hands on my shoulders.

"Do you think it's okay? I really really do think I'm falling for a man that's 100 years old."

"Okay to be honest with you it is a little weird, but i don't think it matters, maybe just wait another year until you're 18. Well the age of consent is at 16 soo, i don't know what you want i guess but if anything happens to you i'm going to kill him." I smiled, I didn't really get this support before. It felt really nice.

"Thanks Nat." I said hugging her. When we stopped I looked at my phone. The time was 5:00. "Well it looks like I need to get going."

"Oh and if you need to leave that dinner tell for any reason, Just leave, you don't have to have a reason. Grab bucky and leave. Okay."

"Okay thanks." I said as we walked out of my room, to see Bucky and Peter in the hall fighting!

"OH JUST WAIT PARKER YOU'RE GOING TO REGRET THAT !" Bucky yelled at peter. My eyes widened as I gave a quick glance to Nat and we both started to run to them. I got in front of Bucky and pushed Peter away.

"WOAH WHAT IS GOING ON WITH YOU TWO!" I yelled with my right hand on Bucky's chest and my left and on Peter's.

"Go ahead Parker tells her. Tell her what you told me." Bucky said glaring at peter. Peter just stood there glaring back. My face turned to confusion.

"Tell me what?" I looked between them both.

"Go ahead Parker tells her. Tell her that you think that I'm trying to get into her pants because that's what your intentions were when you first met huh."

"What" I put my arms down and looked at Peter, there was so much hurt in my eyes. "Peter, is that true?" Peter looked at me and didn't say anything. "PETER IS THAT TRUE" I yelled anger boiled in my blood.

"Yes.. but it changed when i actually got to know you. You became my best friend." He said as he moved closer to put his hand on my shoulder I pulled back. I bit the inside of my cheek.

"Oh wow. I really didn't expect that from you." I turned around and grabbed Bucky's hand. "We need to go or we're going to be late." Bucky's face softened as we walked out to my car. I took my keys and pressed the button, unlocking my car. We both got in.

"You okay." Bucky said putting his cold metal hand in mine. I smiled.

"Well, I do want to be mad, but right now I have zero energy for that, plus like it does hurt that our friendship was built off of that.. What really makes me mad though is that he thinks that's what you're trying to do. That's not who you are Buck. I know you, and..."

"And what?" I squeezed his hand and smiled.

"I know you're not that shallow, and wouldn't do that to me." he smiled as well. "Are you ready to meet my dad?" I said smiling, almost laughing. Then shock hit Bucky's face. That's when I laughed even harder.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I turned on the car, and I played music, and started to drive.


Hey guys! i hope youre enjoying my story so far. i just want to let you know that i am in the middle of finals so if i dont post a lot you'll understand why. i hope youre have a great day/night! love you all -graicegirl <3

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