Chapter 8

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"It's Okay! Gracie It's me, it's Bucky! You're okay." I opened my eyes again to see I was in my room again. I quickly looked around me again only to realize I was dreaming the whole time. I sighed in relief. Then I snapped back into reality. My face felt hot, I looked down to see I was still in my yellow dress. My hands came up to cover my mouth. "Gracie, look at me. You're safe." All I did was just start to cry even more.(What a surprise right? Hahaha ) Bucky pulled me into a hug. He ran his hand up and down my back. After what felt like hours I had stopped crying and looked at him. "We don't have to talk if you don't want to, but what's going on.... I'm worried."

"Remember the day before my birthday? And you helped me with that panic attack?"

"Of course I do." he said, getting up and sitting on my bed next to me, putting his cold metal arm over my shoulder, and then I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Before we had dinner when I was with Loki we went to Jamba Juice and I had a run in with... my ex." I paused and my lip quivered, "He had caused me so much pain... h-h-he ummm he raped me..before we broke up. I wasn't ready to do anything yet. He knew it too. But i thought he was a good guy, he had the best mask i have ever seen. The night he did it, he invited me over, he said his parents were there so I thought nothing of it." I felt his arm pull me in closer, he was still rubbing my back, but I knew his face must have been filled with anger. I kept talking. "So I went over. He offered me something to drink. I said yes, but what I didn't see was that he put something into my drink.... I could barely remember what happened but I know that he pulled me into his room and closed the door.... I tried so hard to get him off of me but I was so out of it I couldn't even get him off. Then the next morning i woke up to me sleeping next to him, naked i laid trying to put together what had happened. When it hit me I tried to get out of there, but when I stood up...I-I-I could barely walk. It hurt so bad. Bucky..and he's been haunting me senice. I seem to not be able to shake it. Now I have a very small selection of people I can trust." I said looking up at him with my red eyes, as he looked at me with compassion and I just felt so much support with him listening to something that was so horrible.''My first time was taken from me... I felt like a tissue that was used and thrown away." i huffed and said, "And i couldnt even enjoy having sex for the first time." my face went red as i had just said that in front of Bucky.

"Gracie, I am so sorry. If I would have known you then I would have been there for you."I nodded. "Gracie, you deserve so much.. You are an amazing woman, who is fun to be around and is always the life of the party. You always put everyone before yourself... And if he did that to you he clearly couldn't see what was right in front of him. And if I personally see this kid, no one will ever see him again." he said, sitting up and looking me in the eyes. His hands had moved to my face. All I could do at that moment was smile. He had given me so much comfort and love I hadn't felt in a long time. "You know you're not the only one who has nightmares.. I get them a lot too. Living with the guilt of what I have done haunts me every single day, I don't even get a break when I sleep."

"James Bucky Barnes, I know it hunts you... and you take full responsibility for something that you had no control over whatsoever." My hands made it up to his face. "You are an amazing person. You have gone through enough. But those days are over. You don't have to fight anyone's war anymore. You can rest now." We both have a small smile. I started to lean in as he did too.

"Gracie..." he whispered and we just stayed in that position.

"Yeah Bucky." I whispered back.

"I really want to kiss you right now."

"You try and see what happens." I said with a smile. As he leaned in closer our lips were millimeters away. Right as we were about to kiss.... My phone started to ring. We both sighed in unison. I crawled to the other side of my bed and reached over to my nightstand to grab my phone to see who was calling me. I looked at the caller ID to see my father calling me. "Sorry, Bucky, my father is calling me." he looked at me with a confused look.

"I thought you didn't talk to him."

"Well I tried to. Hold on, I want to see what he wants." I said picking up the phone and putting it up to my ear. "Hey dad.. Yeah I'm free tonight, why?....yeah i can come for dinner.... No Peter won't be coming..... No not justian either.... I will bring a friend though." I said, looking at Bucky with a smile. "Okay, I'll see you at 6 I guess... bye Dad..." I said as I hung up the phone. "That was out of nowhere." I said , shaking my head.

"So what was that about?"

"So my dad wants to have dinner with me tonight, I'm guessing because it was my birthday yesterday and he didn't even call... not that i want him to, but buck can you please come with me.. I can't go alone."

"Of course I'll go with you, but why don't you wanna go alone?" he asked, tittling his head to the side.

"Well after my mom died he just shut down, so that's why I lived with peter. Now I live here and it's probably one of my most fond places to live."

"Why is that?" Bucky said with a smile. He leaned in closer. I just laughed and pushed his face away.

"You know why, cyborg. Dinner's at 6 so umm what time is it right now?" I said, lifting up my phone to see the time. "It's 3 right now, so i can take a shower and then do you want to go for a walk before dinner?" I rambled.

"Okay doll, sounds like a plan." he said, helping me up from my bed. "Do you need anything before I go?"

"How about a hug?" I said, smiling at him. He rolls his eyes and puts his arms out and bent down. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his arms around my torso. "Thanks buck, you have been so amazing...." I paused not knowing what to call him.. I didn't want to call him a friend because I feel like we are more than that.

"Amazing what?"

"You're just amazing." Gracie this is your chance! Kiss him already.

Bucky pov~

This is your chance bucky kiss her already..

My pov~

I put my hands on his neck and pulled him in slowly. Then there was a knock on the door. "Unbelievable!" I huffed walking over the door. "WHAT DO YOU WANT!" I yelled, opening the door, with a confused look at Steve. " What is so important?"

"I just wanted to see how you were doing." I took a deep breath and sighed. Then I heard Bucky laughing in the background.

"Thanks Steve,I'm better. Well umm I guess I'm going to go to take a shower i need to get ready for dinner with my father dearest." I said, rolling my eyes. I walked slowly down the hall and heard Bucky and Steve talking.

"You have really grown a liking to her haven't you buck?" Steve said, patting Bucky's back.

"Yeah man I really have." I smiled as I looked down, walking down the hall, bumping into someone. I looked up to see peter. My smile immediately disappeared.

"Hey Gracie. Can we talk?"

"No." I said walking to the bathroom. I closed the door behind me, locking it. I turned on the water waiting for the water to warm up. I untied the dress and slipped it off my body. I stood and looked at my body in the mirror. I took a deep breath and took off my bra and underwear and walked into the shower. I closed the curtain and as I closed it the shampoo bottle that was sitting on the inside curtain started to fall. I turned around fast and held out my hand trying to catch the bottle. In the heat of the moment my hands glowed blue and the bottle had a soft glow on it too. And the bottle stopped before it hit the floor. To my surprise I lost focus and the bottle dropped. "The hell?" I shook my head, trying to focus again and my hands started to glow again, the glow was a soft light blue, I titled my head and looked at the shampoo bottle. I moved my hands in the general direction. the bottle started to get that blue glow on it. focusing even more the bottle started to lift up and flout. a smile grew on my face. I lost my focus and the bottle dropped in the middle of the shower. I was in awe. I just made something levitate!! Then I had a thought. if i had taken Wanda's power, what if.. I could take other people's power? I tried to think. I thought so hard, how did this happen? Why now? I just didn't understand. I shook my head again. Putting the shampoo on my hair; scrubbing it into my head. I rinsed my hair off as I put conditioner on my hair. After 30 minutes I finished cleaning my hair and my body. Grudgingly I got out, putting a towel around my body walking to my room. 

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