The plan wor... Nope it doesn't.(15)

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Luckily we knew this was going to happen. So I willed my towel to turn back into a trident, and took the first strike. Kronos flew back. The plan was working!. Until  we discovered his scythe wasn't with him. It was up to me to destroy him. I blasted him with purple plasma from my trident. He slammed into the wall, and he said " until next time, James" with that he disapeared in a burst of light. I went back to the room where Lewis was chilling on the bed watching TV. I readied my trident," show yourself Kronos!" But Lewis just said " what?"
" You mean your not Kronos?"
" Yes "
" Okay, I am going to shower".
Before I knew it I was in the garage putting on my helmet. " Hey James you ready?" Asked Alex. " Yup" I replied. I got into the car and Alex strapped me in. I recieved the signal to go out from one of the engineers, and gently pressed the accelerator pedal and turned the wheel.
The pit lane light turned green, and I drove out onto the track. I drove the out lap and got to the start/finish line and started my first flying lap. I was on mediums so I was going have to give it 110%. I crossed the line P1.
I got into Q2 this time I went in when there were 5 minutes to go and again I finished P1. Same with Q3. So I had pole. After Qualifying I was in a taxi going back to the hotel, when time slowed, there was only one person who could do this. Kronos the  lord of time. I told the driver to pull over, and I got out of the car. Kronos appeared in front of me and again I pulled out my trident and shot the biggest ray of energy ever and Kronos got hit, judging by the way he was on the floor  I guessd he was 1 hp
I cast him back to tarturus and that was the end.
So we thought.

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