Sunday not so fun day.(16)

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Finally I could get that stupid idiotic Kronos out of my head. It was race day. I got ready and went to the track. I met Toto at the Mercedes pitwall, " are you ready for today?" He asked me. "Yes I am" I replied.
2 hours later, I went to my drivers room and took my suit out. I put the black overalls and shoes on, grabbed my black helmet and slipped my trident( disguised as a pen ) into my pocket. Magnus came in and we started the warm up, he threw a ball to me and I threw it back this went on for 10 mins then we stretched. Then I was getting strapped into the car on the grid. The formation lap started and I reached the grid, by now the car was getting hotter. I reached the grid " its like a boiler in this car" I said on comms "Alex replied"the engine is overheating! get out of the car now!" . I undid the first strap but the engine got too hot and exploded with me in the car.

I woke up in the hospital, an oxygen mask on my face. I tried to sit up, but I just couldn't, then I realised the doctor was holding me down. He said" your up." " Do you want visitors?" I nodded . Lewis came in first, "who won the race?" I asked " no one" he replied."It was called off" he said "get well soon" and he left. Next came Toto, it went on for quite some time.

Two weeks later I was healed and I was released from the hospital.

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