Victoria Kent-Luthor

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Typical friends to enemies due to amnesia, then the bad guy (of the enemies) remembers and forces friend to confront them then they have passionate love making to make up for lost time trope, yep that's how lovely Victoria was made.

Vicky, or V, (as she prefers to be called) is as normal as you can get, minus the fact she has two legitimate dads, one's an alien who prances around as a hero the other is a psychotic/genius, billionaire who tries to kill her other dad on a daily basis, her full name is Victoria Johnathan Kent-Luthor (tends to just go by Kent since she lives in Smallville with her grandma)

Unknown to her alien dad their species can make both genders carry kids, and that even affects other species, so when he madly passionate love making to his ex-best friend turned to man trying to kill me, now remembers our friendship etc. He didn't think to use proper precautions, and his friend/enemy/lover got pregnant.

After Vicky was born both her parents tried to care for her, but, her powers were on and off, and when trying to see how kryptonite would be around her she screamed and that shattered windows and started crying blood (Kryptonite is very bad for her if you didn't understand) plus with both of their jobs, nanny's or maids or butlers took care of her and well, when trying to keep secret love child a SECRET it's hard to find trusting people, so Ms. Martha Kent took the reins and brought Vicky into her home and raised her.

As she grew up she learned to control her powers and her toxicity toward Kryptonite went down with age, now it left her feeling weak and sick but not much else, she met her BFF (unnamed currently XD) who was super cool and he tended to goof about but was smart, on their 8th grade graduation she told him her secret and he fully supported her, alien biology and all, that summer they had more fun with her powers added into the mix.

Her first high school years was fun, but tragedy struck, her BFF went to Metropolis for the weekend, and he never came home, she was heartbroken and angry her father didn't save him, angry that her other dad didn't help (granted he was in another country) she cried and cried for the loss of her best friend.

Her second year was bland and empty, she went through the motions but not really feeling much, until the end of the year when a new kid came, and that's new no one PLANS to move to Smallville, this new kid latched onto V and stayed put

This new kid, Max, was odd and seemed to make references no one knew, he always had some sort of look in his eye, like he knew everything about you, all except for V, he'd stare at her puzzled sometimes while he could see others and nod his head like he understood something no one else did.

In the third year of high school Max became V's second friend, she refused to call him best friend, and he understood when she told her why

In their fourth year V seemed to have grown into her body (picture above) and so she tried to hide it by looking less than decent but it seemed to not work as there were both males and females eyeing her up and down. She wasn't bullied for it but many started to try to get pictures of her in...more mature poses, and for one of these pictures they pushed Max into a pool (he can't swim) and V jumped in to save him, the girl who had pushed Max in was wearing a bracelet one that had Kryptonite on it but it fell into the water when Max tried to save himself, and while water helped block radiation it didn't help the fact Max was wearing a machine for a watch, the kryptonite, machine high-tech looking watch and the water, plus the half alien DNA created a portal and made both V and Max vanish

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